• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

SHIP Rent Limits Policy

This training will introduce staff to using SHIP for rental housing, which comes with several rules and requirements. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction prevention assistance […]

Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness

Unsheltered homelessness has been on the rise across the nation and in Florida. This session will discuss best practices, policies, and ordinance considerations that reduce unsheltered homelessness. The presenters will present recent national and Florida-specific trends reflected from the Point In Time Count data covering 2007 through 2023. They will address enforcement considerations so that […]

First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling

This webinar is designed to support local governments in enhancing their purchase assistance programs through partnerships with HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies. This session will feature seasoned housing counselors who will share the latest developments and innovations in the housing counseling sector. Learn how housing counselors can make your program a success. Attendees will gain […]

Live Local’s Land Use Mandate for Affordable Housing

The Live Local Act includes a much-discussed local land use mandate for affordable housing in commercial, industrial, and mixed-use districts. This training will provide guidance on the land use mandate of the Live Local Act as well as the amendments passed in the 2024 Legislative Session through Senate Bill 328 and how the mandate impacts […]

WORKSHOP: SHIP Program Administration

Location: Tampa Law Center 1700 North Tampa Street Tampa, FL 33602 This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, […]

Serving Lower Incomes through the Live Local Act

The Live Local Act contained a variety of tools aimed at developing affordable housing in Florida - several of which target housing for incomes up to 120% of the Area Median Income. A topic of growing interest throughout the state’s housing ecosystem is how the wide range of policy tools provided by the Live Local […]

Creating Cool, Cost-Effective and Healthy Multi-Family Housing

Building multi-family housing that keeps residents cool and healthy without sacrificing affordability is crucial. This webinar will feature ideas and recommendations from leading green building certification programs, universities, developers, contractors and architects. Major new federal funding programs are supporting the use of solar. Learn about new approaches that can save property owners and renters money, […]

Community Benefits and Outcomes of Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing is an essential component of the affordable housing stock. This type of development prioritizes persons most vulnerable in our communities, with the lowest incomes and highest service needs, including persons experiencing homelessness and individuals with disabilities. The strategy of implementing and expanding Permanent Supportive Housing capacity is a proven best practice in […]

LHAP Design Part 1

Many SHIP communities must submit new Local Housing Assistance Plans (LHAPs) in 2025. This webinar will assist local government staff in preparing.  Learn how to write a LHAP that is clear, concise and complies with all requirements. The presenters will advise participants how to update existing strategies, add a new strategy, and incorporate the regulatory […]

Asset Mapping for Community-Based Planning

This webinar will open your eyes to existing local plans that include comprehensive housing needs assessments and market analyses. Reduce duplication of efforts by exploring how local planning documents intersect and overlap. Reviewing the Consolidated Plan’s data sources and elements that contribute to analyzing the market during the conceptual stage in the predevelopment phase can […]

Planning and Zoning

This training will address a variety of zoning regulations to increase the supply of affordable housing in Florida and ensure well-designed places to live. Presenters will discuss specific aspects of zoning regulations that impact housing supply and a resident’s experience of their living space. We will also hear from communities who have recently implemented zoning […]

LHAP Design Part 2

This webinar will provide examples of the nuts and bolts of the plan update.  This is an important training, considering that many SHIP communities must submit new LHAPs in 2025. Key topics to be addressed include properly defining terms of assistance and designing housing strategies that work in a changing market. Presenters will discuss not-so-common […]

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