• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

Effective Utilization of Publicly Owned Land for Affordable Housing

This training continues to address this critical resource, the subject of the “Using Public Land for Affordable Housing” webinar. It outlines the methods by which local government and special districts may strategically dispose of land in a way that is compatible with local planning and growth policy. The discussion will include a comprehensive approach to […]

New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar will assist new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, as well as the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance. SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address deadlines […]

WORKSHOP: Introduction to Affordable Housing Pre-Development

LOCATION: Holden Heights Community Center 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805 This workshop provides guidance to nonprofit organizations on predevelopment activities and due diligence necessary prior to the development of affordable housing units. Learn about the Predevelopment Loan Program (PLP) application process, guidance from the PLP Rule in the Florida Administrative Code, creation of the […]

Financing Rental Housing with SHIP (Rental with SHIP Part 1)

This workshop addresses the principles behind financing and developing affordable rental housing. The challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation will be covered, as will small, scattered site deals and large-scale developments. Presenters will discuss creating a pro-forma spreadsheet to account for funding sources and expenses. Participants will gain an understanding of how […]

Monitoring Rental Housing (Rental with SHIP Part 2)

Before investing in SHIP to build or repair rental housing, SHIP staff must learn the rules and requirements. This webinar addresses one of the biggest commitments, the requirement to monitor SHIP-funded rental units. The presenters will address SHIP rental housing monitoring requirements along with monitoring requirements for housing with blended financing from Housing Credits, SAIL, […]

Funding Sources and Partnerships to Serve Vulnerable Populations (Resources Part 1)

This session provides an overview of rental housing funding along with resources to support people experiencing homelessness. The presenters will discuss how to combine and leverage major funding sources to subsidize the development of affordable rental housing. Learn about homelessness resources including ESG, CoC, HUD VASH, HOPWA, and TANF.

Using SHIP for Manufactured Housing

This training will address the possibilities unfolding with manufactured housing and how it may be compatible with affordable housing funding programs and policies. Learn about SHIP requirements for working on manufactured housing. The presenters will address both every day affordable housing approaches that incorporate manufactured housing, as well as how they can assist with disaster […]

Affordable Housing Funding Sources for Homeownership (Resources Part 2)

This webinar will focus on funding sources for homeownership and tools and strategies to incentivize the creation of affordable housing. These tools include inclusionary zoning, linkage fees, surplus lands, and impact fee modifications. This session will address both state and federal funding that can be used for homeownership including FHFC programs, CDBG, HOME, and local […]

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