• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



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Duke Webinar #5: SHIP and Duke Energy’s Partnership Program

February 12 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

The ‘P’ in SHIP stands for Partnership.  The program is designed for partnerships and SHIP staff are often eager to learn about additional funding for home repair.  Join us for the final “Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab” webinar sponsored by Duke Energy.  It will focus on Duke Energy’s partnership program for nonprofits and local governments offering home rehabilitation assistance.  Duke pays your SHIP office rebate dollars and there is flexibility on how to use them.  Presenters will report on lessons learned from a SHIP and Duke Energy pilot program in Orange County, as well as the Marion County SHIP office’s years of success partnering with Duke.

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