• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- Tracking SHIP Activity Throughout the Year

This training focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules. The presenters will discuss a timeline that will help you keep up with the expenditure and encumbrance deadlines. Participants will learn the details of complying with the income, homeownership, construction, special […]

WEBINAR- New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications

New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications May 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3290624321796206350 This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff for changes to the annual report that require them to report application information on the SHIP annual report. Presenters will address how to track and report applications. Learn best practices for maintaining a […]

WEBINAR- Dissecting the Land Use and Property Tax Incentives in the Live Local Act

This training was formerly titled ‘Planning and Zoning’.  The Live Local Act (SB 102/HB 627) is a major piece of housing legislation that addresses a variety of policy initiatives to increase the supply of affordable housing in Florida. This webinar will specifically explore the Act's land use and property tax policies and what they mean […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Program Administration

This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and AHAC requirements. The guidance from this training will […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Rent Limits Policy

This training will introduce staff to using SHIP for rental housing, which come with several rules and requirements. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction prevention assistance […]

WEBINAR – Preparing and Submitting the SHIP Annual Report

Presenters will provide guidance on how to complete each tab of the report along with instructions on how to obtain data needed for the certification, questions on foreclosure default, success stories and more.  Learn about the procedures for submitting a 20/21 report if you have a little or a lot of SHIP expenditures… or zero […]

WEBINAR: Hurricane Preparedness & Elderly Resilience: Supporting Outreach and Coordination

Join us on July 14 at 1:30 p.m. for a special webinar on hurricane disaster impacts and risks to older adults in our communities. FHC Technical Advisor Dayna Lazarus will provide highlights from a report from the Disaster Housing Task Force on risks and challenges faced by older adults. The report includes recommendations for improving […]

WEBINAR – Getting Rapid Rehousing Right

This webinar provides an overview of what makes a successful Rapid Re-Housing program no matter what funding source the program is using. This goes beyond the funding piece and looks at housing navigation, financial assistance, and support services. Funding sources such as federal block and formula grants, state grants, SHIP, and local funding will be […]

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 1)

Presenters will cover the process of advertising based on the SHIP statute and rule as well as your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish household size.

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 2)

This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the resident income certification form, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income.

WEBINAR: Designing Your Housing RFP Process for Quality Responses

Local government housing administrators and procurement staff frequently find it necessary to undergo a Request for Proposal process when multiple developments compete for local funding, land donations and regulation concessions. This webinar delivers a concise framework that local governments can adopt to ensure that local housing needs and expectations are met, the process is fair, […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for Increased Ship Funding

This webinar addresses increased SHIP allocations. The presenters will help local government staff consider how to schedule and complete assistance in a timely manner and create project timelines. Also learn about additional LHAP strategies that you may add to benefit your community. Presenters will explain the length of time it will take to create, market, […]

WEBINAR: The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. The presenters will address weaknesses in rehab programs and best […]

WEBINAR: HHRP for Hurricane Ian and Nicole Recovery

This webinar will offer continued support to the cities and counties receiving HHRP assistance. The presenters will provide guidance on expediting HHRP expenditure, committing second HHRP Allocation dollars, and learning about additional disaster resources. Training topics will be informed by a survey of HHRP communities.

WEBINAR: Resilient By Design: Creating Disaster Resistant Single Family and Multi-Family Housing Stock

This webinar includes proven examples from architects and engineers on sustainable and resilient solutions. Learn about resiliency in affordable multifamily residential design, which incorporates advanced stormwater infrastructure and building mitigation strategies to proactively reduce the impacts from increased heat, extreme rain, and better protect residents. Also learn about programs to enhance low-income single family home […]

WEBINAR: Right Sizing Your Local Government Contribution

This training will address subsidy layering on multi-family and single-family development. Local governments and developers alike are analyzing what public funding is needed to create affordability for the tenant. Understanding how to evaluate sources and uses to ensure that the financing to fill the gap or bring down the total development cost is not oversubscribed […]

WEBINAR: Finding and Retaining Rehabilitation Contractors

Presenters will provide guidance for finding contractors for blue sky repairs as well as after a disaster. Learn how to overcome difficulties getting an insurance estimate when starting a job. The training will also address alternatives like involving manufactured housing built elsewhere.

WEBINAR: Surplus Land and Permanent Affordability

Surplus land is a key resource for local governments in the production of workforce and affordable housing affordability. The Live Local Act provides new requirements and guidance on best practices for how local governments manage the disposition of land, including encouraging the utilization of land (99-yr) leases as well as new property tax exemptions for […]

WEBINAR: Low Barrier Housing (Conference Session Reschedule)

Join us on October 16 at 11:00 AM for a FREE Lunch-And-Learn Webinar "Low Barrier Housing." This session was originally scheduled as part of our 2023 Annual Conference, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Idalia. Session Description Many solutions are needed to increase housing opportunities for people that have difficulties qualifying to rent a home. […]

WEBINAR: The Pre-Development Process (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar provides guidance to nonprofit organizations on predevelopment activities and due diligence necessary prior to the development of affordable housing units. The Coalition is the contracted Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) for FHFC’s Predevelopment Loan Program (PLP), providing hands-on TA on roughly 40 PLP loans. Learn about the PLP application process, PLP program guidance from […]

WEBINAR: Exploring Housing Needs assessments and Market Analysis (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar will open your eyes to existing local plans that include comprehensive housing needs assessments and market analyses.  Reduce duplication of efforts by exploring how select local planning documents intersect and can be used to better align project outcomes with community needs.  Learn about plan elements that can contribute to analyzing the market during […]

WEBINAR: Expedited Permitting and Innovative Solutions for Housing

The SHIP statute requires SHIP jurisdictions to expedite the permitting of affordable housing developments to a greater degree than other projects. Additionally, the Live Local Act newly requires all local governments to post their policies and procedures online for the expedited processing of building permits and development orders required by law to be expedited. The […]

WEBINAR: Serving People with the Lowest Incomes through the Live Local Act

This training will explore how the tools in the Live Local Act can serve very-low and extremely-low-income households. Presenters will discuss the new Live Local property tax exemptions and how they can help community-based nonprofits build affordable rental homes for targeted populations. Attendees will also learn how the Live Local Act's funding for SHIP and […]

Rental Assistance Demonstration 101

Join us for the first part of an engaging two-part webinar series that delves into the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program! RAD is a pivotal tool in the efforts to preserve and expand affordable housing in the state of Florida. This informative series will bring industry experts together to discuss its historical significance along with […]

WEBINAR: Land Use Tool for Affordable Housing in Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed-Use Districts

This webinar explores the Live Local Act's land use preemption for affordable housing in commercial, industrial, & mixed-use zones. The webinar features updates on implementing the preemption for jurisdictions and provides guidance to the frequently asked question: how are local governments to monitor affordability for at least 30 years for LLA preemption projects? Presenters discuss […]

WORKSHOP: SHIP Program Administration

LOCATION: Riviera Beach Mariana Village Event Center 190 E. 13th Street Rivera Beach, FL 33404 This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, and will assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, […]

WEBINAR: The Development Process ( New Developers Training Track)

This is designed for nonprofit developers, housing program administrators, and their community partners. The presenters will address land use, impact fees, permitting, platting and more. Key topics include financing, site selection, and how housing is made affordable. Presenters will also cover funding applications and awards, credit underwriting, the initial closing process, the construction period, and […]

WEBINAR: Permanent Supportive Housing Development

Permanent Supportive Housing is an essential component of the affordable housing stock.  This type of development prioritizes persons most vulnerable in our communities, with the lowest incomes and highest service needs.  This webinar will discuss the concept of affordable housing, how to analyze unmet housing needs to prevent occupancy challenges, developing partnerships with community-based service […]

Rental Assistance Demonstration 201

Join us for the second part of an engaging two-part webinar series that delves into the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program! RAD is a pivotal tool in the efforts to preserve and expand affordable housing in the state of Florida. This informative series will bring industry experts together to discuss its historical significance along with […]

WEBINAR: Seniors And Housing Security (Conference Reschedule)

Join us on November 20th as we present Seniors Housing And Security! This webinar, rescheduled from the 2023 Affordable Housing Conference will explore Florida's elder population, including the frail elderly, are increasingly housing insecure as seniors with limited incomes are increasingly priced out of the rental market. In this session, representatives from AARP and Leading […]

WEBINAR: LHAP Design Part 1

This webinar will assist local government staff in the preparation and implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) as required by SHIP. It focuses on using and improving on the LHAP in the three years between when the plan is formally updated.  Learn how to write a LHAP that is clear, concise and complies […]

WEBINAR: LHAP Design Part 2

This webinar will provide examples of the nuts and bolts of the plan update.  This is an important training, considering that many SHIP communities must submit new LHAPs in 2023.  Key topics to be addressed include properly defining terms of assistance and designing housing strategies that work in a changing market.  Presenters will discuss not-so-common […]

WEBINAR: Funding in the Live Local Act

The training is focused on Live Local Act funding provisions for affordable housing.  The training will be presented after processes/procedures are established for new provisions, which are the highest in the state’s history.  Presenters will include FHFC and DEO staff discussing the extra $150 million a year for a SAIL-like program and DEO’s Job Growth […]

WEBINAR: Nonprofit Capacity Building Symposium

Join us on Friday, December 8, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM for a FREE Lunch-and-Learn webinar as we present the Nonprofit Capacity Building Symposium, which was cancelled at our 2023 Annual Conference due to Hurricane Idalia.  Join the Florida Housing Coalition’s Affordable Housing Development Team as we explore nonprofit capacity building through FHFC’s […]

WEBINAR: Community Partnerships for Housing (New Developers Training Track)

In this webinar, participants will gain insights into best practices for building effective partnerships with community organizations, small and corporate businesses, and other stakeholders. By leveraging these partnerships, participants will discover ways to supplement affordable housing development with community driven partnerships that contribute to neighborhood revitalization. This training will showcase practitioners who will provide successful […]

WEBINAR: Affordable Housing Funding Sources Part 1

This session provides an overview of rental housing funding along with resources to support people experiencing homelessness. The presenters will discuss how to combine and leverage major funding sources to subsidize the development of affordable rental housing. Also learn about homelessness resources including ESG, CoC, HUD VASH, HOPWA, and TANF.

Income Qualification Rule Changes in 2024

HUD is changing some of its income calculation rules as of January 1, 2024. Join us for an overview of how this impacts your work.  Most Florida communities with SHIP, HOME, CDBG and other funds use the income rules in the HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapters 3 and 5.  The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) […]

WEBINAR: How to Build a Sustainable SHIP Program

Several approaches are addressed, including leveraging small SHIP allocations with other funding sources for larger impact.  Presenters will also discuss balancing long-term affordability and feasibility of projects with the need to generate program income.  The training will feature examples like deferred payment loans, structuring SHIP assistance in rental developments like SAIL, and leasing land as […]

WEBINAR: Affordable Housing Funding Sources Part 2

This will focus on funding sources for homeownership and tools and strategies to incentivize the creation of affordable housing.  These tools include inclusionary zoning, linkage fees, surplus lands, and impact fee modifications.  This session will also address state funding for homeownership as well as federal resources such as CDBG and HOME, and local housing trust […]

Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab: Part 1 – Energy Audits & Duke’s Partnership Program

The Florida Housing Coalition announces, “Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab”, a five-part webinar series sponsored by Duke Energy. Most cities and counties offer home rehabilitation assistance.  The trainers will provide tangible examples of how to increase affordability with energy efficiency features.  This first webinar will focus on assessing homes with an energy audit.  Also learn […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2024 Legislative Session

The Florida Housing Coalition will host weekly Sadowski Affiliates webinars every other Friday at 11:30am during the 2024 Legislative Session. Webinars are scheduled for Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 8. REGISTER HERE FOR ALL WEBINARS The webinars will provide updates on the legislative session, bills related to Sadowski Funding, and […]

WEBINAR: Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP

This workshop addresses the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing. The challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation will be covered, as will small, scattered site deals and large-scale developments.  Participants will gain perspective on monitoring long term affordability, and other monitoring and compliance responsibilities.

Hurricane Idalia Housing Recovery

This webinar will offer support to the Hurricane Idalia-impacted cities and counties receiving HHRP assistance. The presenters will help participants consider the types of housing assistance to offer.  Learn the first steps of preparation, including considering maximum award amounts.  Also learn about effective methods of outreach.  The presenters will explain how you can benefit from […]

Demonstration of DPA One from Freddie Mac

In partnership with Freddie Mac, this Florida Housing Coalition webinar introduces Florida's housing professionals to Freddie Mac's new tool, DPA One, a free, online resource designed to help housing professionals identify, understand, and match down payment assistance (DPA) programs for borrowers who need financial assistance to purchase a home. Learn the benefits of registering your […]

WEBINAR: Monitoring Rental Housing

Presenters will address SHIP rental housing monitoring requirements along with monitoring requirements for housing with blended financing from Housing Credits, HOME, SAIL, and more. Also, learn how the Keep Safe Florida property flood risk assessment tool can help with SHIP funded rental housing.  Presenters will offer guidance for assessing older properties informed by inspections following […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2024 Legislative Session

The Florida Housing Coalition will host weekly Sadowski Affiliates webinars every other Friday at 11:30am during the 2024 Legislative Session. Webinars are scheduled for Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 8. REGISTER HERE FOR ALL WEBINARS The webinars will provide updates on the legislative session, bills related to Sadowski Funding, and […]

WORKSHOP: The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

LOCATION: Holden Heights Community Center 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805 This workshop will walk through the steps involved in the rehabilitation program process, deciding on the best approach and strategy design for your community, contractor selection and removal, scope of work, bidding process, contract terms and award, inspections, and payments, and guarantees and warranties. […]

WEBINAR: Improving Housing Recovery with New Data Tools and Strategies

Using FEMA IHP data is critical to implementing strategic, local post-disaster housing recovery and effective resource allocation. Getting access and analyzing data can be challenging. To assist local governments and organizations, the Florida Housing Coalition and Texas Appleseed partnered to develop the first statewide publicly accessible interactive Disaster Housing Dashboard. FHC has also created new […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 1 (Panhandle)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2024 Legislative Session

The Florida Housing Coalition will host weekly Sadowski Affiliates webinars every other Friday at 11:30am during the 2024 Legislative Session. Webinars are scheduled for Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 8. REGISTER HERE FOR ALL WEBINARS The webinars will provide updates on the legislative session, bills related to Sadowski Funding, and […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 2 (East Central)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR: Navigating Affordable Housing Law

Florida has a variety of state-specific statutes that govern affordable housing policy. This training introduces basic principles of Florida affordable housing law and answers frequently asked questions regarding the state’s affordable housing programs.

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 3 (North Central)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2024 Legislative Session

The Florida Housing Coalition will host weekly Sadowski Affiliates webinars every other Friday at 11:30am during the 2024 Legislative Session. Webinars are scheduled for Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 8. REGISTER HERE FOR ALL WEBINARS The webinars will provide updates on the legislative session, bills related to Sadowski Funding, and […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 4 (Central)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR: SHIP Program Administration Part 1

This is the first training in a two-part series designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. This webinar will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and […]

WEBINAR: SHIP Program Administration Part 2

This second half of a webinar series is designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program.  Presenters will review a year-long timeline of SHIP tasks and deadlines and will provide LHAP guidance about strategy implementation.  Participants will learn about tracking and reporting SHIP, fiscal management, monitoring, and compliance. This administration training […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 5 (Tampa Bay)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2024 Legislative Session

The Florida Housing Coalition will host weekly Sadowski Affiliates webinars every other Friday at 11:30am during the 2024 Legislative Session. Webinars are scheduled for Jan. 12, Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 8. REGISTER HERE FOR ALL WEBINARS The webinars will provide updates on the legislative session, bills related to Sadowski Funding, and […]

WEBINAR: The Critical Role of Appraisals: (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar will provide an opportunity to learn about how appraisals impact homeownership opportunities and the development of affordable housing.  Attendees will learn about the affect appraisal gaps have on a home purchase and how Realtors, lenders, and appraisers can work together to close the gap between value and purchase price.  This webinar will also […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 6 (Palm Beach)

Florida's Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date […]

WEBINAR: Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds Part 1

This two-part webinar series will focus on Florida’s State Apartment Incentive Loan program, an essential source of financing that is flexible and tailored to fill funding gaps in affordable multifamily housing projects.  SAIL, created by the State of Florida, has been a national model for providing gap financing for affordable apartments since it was created […]

Register now! Live Local virtual regional workshops for local government staff – Region 7 (Broward-Miami Dade-Monroe)

Live Local Act in 2023 provided a variety of tools aimed at encouraging and facilitating much-needed affordable housing development statewide. These 90-minute regional workshops, sponsored by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through the state's Affordable Housing Catalyst Program, are geared toward local government staff to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned to date on […]

WEBINAR: Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program

This training introduces best practices for helping home buyers.  Most SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirement. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in developing, […]

WEBINAR: New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar assists new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance.  SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which addresses deadlines and responsibilities throughout the year.  […]

WEBINAR: Preparing your Housing Program for Hurricane Season

Participants will review a SHIP Administrator Disaster Preparedness Checklist.  The presenters will address year-round housing mitigation techniques to strengthen homes in preparation for future disasters, including guidance from Enterprise Community Partners’ publication ‘Keep Safe’.

Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds Part 2

Presenters will demonstrate how SAIL can be leveraged with the 4% or 9% low-income housing tax credits, multifamily bonds and other funding sources for developing or rehabilitating affordable rental housing. The training will showcase successful projects exhibiting the wide range of housing types possible with the program, including farmworker-fisher worker housing, housing for persons experiencing […]

DUKE ENERGY WEBINAR: Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab – Part 2 Funding Sources for Energy Efficiency and Mitigation

The Florida Housing Coalition announces the second part of “Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab”, a five-part webinar series sponsored by Duke Energy. The trainers will discuss funding sources to pay for energy efficiency features. A discussion of Duke’s Home Energy Improvement Rebates, the subject of the first webinar, starts of the overview of funding.  Participants […]

WEBINAR: SHIP File Documentation

This webinar will focus on the use of a checklist to assist in file compliance, along with documents required in the file by regulatory and statutory requirements.  There will be a review of what documents are not required and best practices for compliance with program file and record retention requirements. Also learn how to properly […]

WEBINAR: Working with Nonprofits, Sponsors and Sub Recipients

Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors and sub-recipients and hear firsthand from the staff of groups that provide SHIP services.  The presenters will highlight key examples of how SHIP work is effectively outsourced, addressing details of LHAP selection criteria and suggested language for a Request for Proposals. Link to PowerPoint: https://flhousing.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Working-with-Sponsors-and-Sub-May-2024.pdf Link […]

WORKSHOP: Proficiency in Income Qualification

LOCATION: Pompano Beach Cultural Arts Center 50 W. Atlantic Blvd. Pompano Beach, FL 33060 This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who oversee the SHIP office. One of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this […]

WEBINAR: Building Capacity to Build-The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar covers three critical areas of capacity building for nonprofit organizations.  It provides an overview of best practices on nonprofit strategic planning, nonprofit financial responsibilities, and whether you should seek designation as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO).  This webinar will provide a broad overview of each critical area to help nonprofit staff and […]

WEBINAR: Preservation, Resiliency, and Sustainability in Affordable Housing

Preserving affordable housing stock is a top priority in Florida.  Each year, the state loses essential units prioritized for vulnerable Floridians.  This webinar discusses preservation of affordable housing, resilience strategies to mitigate risk when hazards occur, and developing a sustainable product.  Learn about best practices, new concepts to promote the sustainability of affordable housing, and […]

Third webinar in the Duke Training Series: Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Home Repair Part 1

Installing HVACs, new windows and lower-cost energy efficiency improvements such as insulation make a major difference in reducing homeowner energy burden. Join us for the third “Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab” webinar sponsored by Duke Energy. In this session, Jason Vandever, Director of Technical Services, North American Insulation Manufacturers Association will discuss insulation benefits in […]

WEBINAR: Terms of Assistance

This training will discuss the continuum of options for providing SHIP assistance, from offering grants to establishing direct loans that must be repaid in monthly installments.  Learn what is involved in establishing and recording the agreement. Link to PowerPoint: https://flhousing.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Tems-of-Assistance.pdf Link to Recording: https://vimeo.com/954105175  

WEBINAR: The Live Local Act’s Property Tax Exemptions for Affordable Housing

This training will provide guidance on new tax exemptions included in the Live Local Act for affordable rental housing development. The presenters will review what is required to receive the various exemptions and how these tools may facilitate the production of affordable housing. Presenters will explore how the new exemptions can facilitate partnerships with nonprofit […]

Small Scale Development (New Developers Training Track)

This training has been requested by a significant number of FHC members on evaluations. This webinar will provide attendees with a clear understanding of missing middle, small scale development. This specific housing type is often recognized as development projects with 50 units or less and are intended to serve households who are priced out of […]

WEBINAR: Affordable Housing Resources for Individuals With Disabilities

The Florida Housing Coalition announces a training for the Agency for Persons with Disabilities’ (APD) service providers, staff at Centers for Independent Living, and other statewide disability organizations tasked with helping individuals with disabilities gain access to affordable, accessible, and integrated housing. Presenters will introduce participants to state and federal affordable housing resources that address […]

WEBINAR: Responding to Increased Home Purchase Prices

When prices go up, communities respond by increasing their LHAP maximum purchase prices and purchase assistance.  The presenters will offer guidance addressing this, but they will also encourage participants to consider an alternative approach involving new construction subsidy.  Learn how to determine the approach that works best for your community. Link to PowerPoint: https://flhousing.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Responding-to-Increased-Home-Prices.pdf Link […]

Using Target Areas to Leverage Funds

In this webinar, presenters will discuss the benefits of designated target areas such as Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA) and Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas (NRSA) to maximize funding and implement impactful affordable housing solutions.  This strategy supports a comprehensive approach to addressing affordable housing needs in areas of opportunity.  Additional advantages include various incentives and enhanced […]

WEBINAR: Examples of Energy Efficiency into Home Rehab sponsored by Duke Energy

Join us for the fourth “Integrating Energy Efficiency into Rehab” webinar sponsored by Duke Energy. In this session, Janet McIlvaine from the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) will share best practices for affordable housing renovation. She discusses energy efficiency, occupant health & safety, and building durability. Learn how FSEC’s Retrofit Challenge checklist can help improve […]

WEBINAR: Affordable Housing Design

Presenters will include architects who will discuss affordable housing design considerations. Many residents often live near or drive by affordable housing without realizing the housing is affordable. This is due to the attractive building design and landscaping. This session focuses on the critical role of design in addressing NIMBY opposition, as well as project feasibility, addressing […]

Preparing and Submitting the SHIP Annual Report

This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff to complete their annual report by September 15th. Presenters will provide guidance on how to complete each tab of the report along with instructions on how to obtain data needed for the certification, questions on foreclosure default, success stories and more. Additional topics include guidance on reporting […]

Post-Disaster Emergency Housing

This webinar is focused on planning for post disaster emergency housing since hurricane season is not the time to start plans. Pre-covery is the concept of preparing for disaster by taking steps to qualify contractors and ordering building supplies that can be accessed post disaster. Presenters will explore how local governments can deploy minimum sized […]

AHAC Incentive Strategies

This webinar is designed to offer a primer for new members to orient them to AHAC responsibilities. This webinar will go through the eleven required incentives each AHAC is required to consider as part of the SHIP program and provide best practices on conducting the work of the AHAC. Learn about the timeline and activities […]

Proficiency in Income Qualification Part 1

This is the first of a two-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP statute and rule as well as your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to […]

Proficiency in Income Qualification Part 2

This webinar will focus on calculating assets and asset income, completing the resident income certification form, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) has updated these income qualification rules. PowerPoint Link: https://flhousing.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Proficiency-in-Income-2024-Part-2.pdf Video Link: https://vimeo.com/1018507397

Understanding the Housing Crisis Response System: Leveraging Partnerships to House All

The Housing Crisis Response System is comprised of providers, stakeholders, and resources available to help people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. This webinar examines the components of an effective housing crisis response system and gives an overview of each, including prevention, outreach and coordinated entry, emergency shelter, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing. Powerpoint […]

Understanding Site Flood Risk Factors Before You Buy

'Selecting a site is challenging and a high-flood risk location can pose added costs to developers, property owners and residents. The Florida Housing Coalition’s new Resilient Guided Growth approach will help affordable housing developers understand and quickly identify current and future flood risks and environmental hazards that can impact development, long-term safety, and affordability. The […]

Preparing for the SHIP Monitor

This webinar is designed to familiarize SHIP staff with the periodic monitoring process. Have you received notice that a Florida Housing Finance Corporation Monitor will soon conduct a compliance review of your SHIP program? Do not get nervous—get prepared. This will provide the results from an analysis of recent monitoring reports to help you prepare […]

Using Public Land for Affordable Housing

Among many updates, the Live Local Act changed policy on how local governments handle publicly owned land to support affordable housing production. This webinar will cover new requirements on the handling of land owned by public entities and provide guidance on best practices that can be implemented by local governments for compliance. Presenters will discuss […]

Making the SHIP Program Market Responsive

'This webinar will review best practices for structuring strategies that are effective in hot and cold markets and will offer guidance on building flexibility into program policies to quickly respond to shifting market conditions. Learn to use valuable subsidies toward activities that can maximize access to affordable units in changing markets. Examine strategy design to […]

SHIP Rent Limits Policy

This training will introduce staff to using SHIP for rental housing, which comes with several rules and requirements. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction prevention assistance […]

Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness

Unsheltered homelessness has been on the rise across the nation and in Florida. This session will discuss best practices, policies, and ordinance considerations that reduce unsheltered homelessness. The presenters will present recent national and Florida-specific trends reflected from the Point In Time Count data covering 2007 through 2023. They will address enforcement considerations so that […]

First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling

This webinar is designed to support local governments in enhancing their purchase assistance programs through partnerships with HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies. This session will feature seasoned housing counselors who will share the latest developments and innovations in the housing counseling sector. Learn how housing counselors can make your program a success. Attendees will gain […]

Live Local’s Land Use Mandate for Affordable Housing

The Live Local Act includes a much-discussed local land use mandate for affordable housing in commercial, industrial, and mixed-use districts. This training will provide guidance on the land use mandate of the Live Local Act as well as the amendments passed in the 2024 Legislative Session through Senate Bill 328 and how the mandate impacts […]

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