• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- From the Front Door to Permanently Housed: Interventions in a Homeless System

REGISTER The best path to permanent housing is a coordinated response system in every community. This webinar will provide an overview of the necessary components of the housing crisis response system, and how those components work together to create more permanent housing options. Components include Coordinated Entry, Outreach, Diversion, Prevention, Emergency Shelter, Rapid ReHousing, and […]

WEBINAR- Prioritizing Vulnerable Households

REGISTER Many Continuums of Care use prioritization tools, vulnerability indexes, and lengths of time homeless to determine prioritization. Guidance from HUD advises communities to target high utilizers of varying crisis systems in addition to chronicity and other prioritization tools. This webinar will review the HUD guidance on prioritization and how to implement the guidance by […]

WEBINAR- Housing Trust Funds

REGISTER Housing trust funds (HTF) are funds set aside by local, state, and federal governments that aid in the preservation and development of affordable housing for low income households including homeless families. HTF funds may be used for rental assistance, acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation. The webinar will provide an overview of the funds […]

WEBINAR- Transitioning from Homelessness to Housing: Teaming Up to Obtain Housing Retention in a Supportive Housing Program

REGISTER Housing First is not housing only. After the transition from homelessness to supportive housing, households need support retaining the housing. Successful supportive housing programs create effective teams. This webinar will address division of duties in supportive housing, participant engagement, recovery-oriented services, the role of peer support, and addressing isolation.

WEBINAR- Your Role in Documenting Homeless History

REGISTER Documenting homelessness is a critical part of housing eligibility. This webinar will provide an overview of the documentation required for different housing programs and how to go about collecting it. The webinar will review third party verification and using other systems in addition to HMIS such as police departments, hospitals, and Managing Entities.

WEBINAR- SHIP Annual Reports: Guidance on Tracking

REGISTER This webinar focuses on ongoing tracking responsibilities-- the tasks you need to complete now, months before the September 15 annual report deadline.  Participants will get a first look at the newly updated SHIP tracking spreadsheet, designed to streamline reporting and significantly reduce interim year report work.  This webinar is scheduled in conjunction with the […]

WEBINAR- Innovative Approaches to Addressing Homelessness: What’s Successful in Other Communities, and In Florida

REGISTER Innovative strategies deliver a new vision of long-term solutions to end homelessness.  This webinar will offer an overview of how local Florida communities are implementing progressive and creative solutions to best serve vulnerable populations.  The webinar will review Managing Entity collaboration, local implementation of nationally recognized best practices, measuring success in new initiatives, and […]

WEBINAR- 2018-2019 Legislative Wrap Up for Advocates in Homelessness Services

REGISTER As an advocate, it is important to be knowledgeable about how state legislation directly impacts affordable housing and homeless systems, both locally and state-wide. This webinar provides a summary of the 2018-2019 legislative actions that impact homeless systems and affordable housing funding throughout the State of Florida. In addition, this webinar will educate advocates […]

WEBINAR- Preparing for Deadlines & Annual Reports

REGISTER This webinar is designed to focus on ongoing tracking responsibilities, even before the pressure of the September 15 annual report deadline is upon you. It will especially help new SHIP staff members who have recently been assigned tracking or annual reporting responsibilities. Participants will receive the updated SHIP tracking spreadsheet, along with written instructions […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Innovations in HB 7103

REGISTER Join us for the webinar “Affordable Housing Innovations in HB 7103” on July 22 at 2 pm. The major piece of affordable housing legislation to come out of the 2019 session is House Bill 7103. This “omnibus housing bill”  throws together in one bill inclusionary zoning, impact fees, and expedited permitting. The bill also […]

WEBINAR- Rebuild Restore: Additional Funding for Disaster Home Repair

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a webinar, Rebuild Restore: Additional Funding for Disaster Home Repair, on July 31, 2019 at 2pm. This webinar is for housing staff working on home repair in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. Register to learn about the Rebuild Restore program, which can be leveraged with repair funds you already […]

WEBINAR- Working with the New Annual Report System

REGISTER HERE- Aug 5 Florida Housing’s reporting system is now live.  This August webinar will provide guidance as you create your SHIP annual report.  Presenters will share answers to frequently asked questions along with lessons learned from the reports of specific SHIP jurisdictions.  Report preparation topics will be discussed, including tracking of expenses, demographics and […]

WEBINAR- Shared Equity and Community Land Trusts

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting a webinar on “Shared Equity and Community Land Trusts,” on August 2 at 2pm. The webinar will provide an introduction to shared equity programs, including the community land trust model, and how incorporating shared equity provisions into SHIP strategies can effectively expand and preserve the affordable housing stock in […]

WEBINAR- Working with the New Annual Report System

REGISTER HERE- Aug 13 Florida Housing’s reporting system is now live.  This August webinar will provide guidance as you create your SHIP annual report.  Presenters will share answers to frequently asked questions along with lessons learned from the reports of specific SHIP jurisdictions.  Report preparation topics will be discussed, including tracking of expenses, demographics and […]

32nd Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition’s Annual Conference attracts more than 800 affordable housing advocates, lenders, developers, administrators and policy makers. The Annual Conference offers trainings from the nuts and bolts of housing to cutting edge training and an opportunity to learn from a broad range of experts. Join us as newcomers and affordable housing veterans […]

TRAINING- BASIC Integrated Disbursement Management System Training- Winter Park

REGISTER Basic IDIS Workshop This two-day interactive workshop will provide new users with an introduction to the key functions of IDIS. We will review the eCon Planning Suite module including the Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan and CAPER. Users will also learn how to properly set-up, fund and complete CDBG & HOME activities. The workshop […]

WEBINAR- Accessory Dwelling Units Providing Affordable Housing

REGISTER In a state dominated by single-family units, many people struggle to find suitable living arrangements. This webinar offers information about an affordable housing approach supported by the Florida Legislature that few local jurisdictions are implementing.  An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a residential unit that is secondary to the primary residence of the homeowner and can […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program- Part 1

REGISTER A majority of SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirements. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in developing, implementing, and managing a successful purchase […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program- Part 2

REGISTER Partnerships are key to a successful homebuyer program. The presenters will offer guidance on how to create long-term partnerships with developers, lenders, title companies and Realtors. The benefits of working with housing counseling agencies will be discussed as part of a review of common topics included in a pre-purchase educational curriculum. Learn what factors […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification (Pompano Beach)

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WORKSHOP- The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

REGISTER The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This workshop will walk through the steps involved in the […]

SYMPOSIUM- CLT Lending Symposium

REGISTER The Florida Community Land Trust Institute presents Community Land Trust Lending, a symposium produced by the Florida Housing Coalition and sponsored by Fannie Mae. Community Land Trusts are expanding access to homeownership for low income home buyers across Florida. Families who were formerly unable to purchase a home are now able to do so via […]

WEBINAR- Income Certification for SHIP Applicants- Part 1

REGISTER This is the beginning of a two-part webinar series that provides an overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It is designed for those who conduct intake and process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. The first session covers the process of proper advertising based on the SHIP […]

WEBINAR- Income Certification for SHIP Applicants- Part 2

REGISTER The final part of this two-part webinar series will focus on asset verification and calculation. It will address how assets are calculated depending on the type of asset received and how to properly document the file. Presenters will review the income certification form for both homeownership and rental, the case approval process, and file […]

TRAINING- BASIC Integrated Disbursement Management System Training- Lauderhill

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition, in partnership with Civitas LLC, is hosting a HUD Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) training. Basic IDIS Workshop This two-day interactive workshop will provide new users with an introduction to the key functions of IDIS. We will review the eCon Planning Suite module including the Consolidated Plan, Annual Action […]

TRAINING- ADVANCED Integrated Disbursement Management System Training- Winter Park

REGISTER Advanced IDIS Workshop This two-day interactive workshop builds upon the introductory workshop and is targeted for experienced IDIS users. In additional to CDBG & HOME, this workshop will review common IDIS functions associated with ESG and HOPWA grants. Attendees will become familiar with the use of sub-grants and sub-funds. Users will review in detail […]

WEBINAR- Roles and Responsibilities of the AHAC

REGISTER An Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) report is required triennially from each SHIP local government that receives more than the minimum allocation of $350,000. This webinar introduces housing incentives based on regulatory reform. It is designed to specifically assist staff who will soon begin AHAC work. Participants will learn about the statutory requirements and […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification (Naples)

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WORKSHOP- HHRP Review of Fundamentals Training (Port St. Joe)

REGISTER (“The training time is Eastern Standard Time.”) This training addresses best practices for implementing HHRP, including: HHRP staffing and administration Outreach and Applications File documentation, including ‘avoiding duplication of benefits’ Properly establishing the tracking of this HHRP funding

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification (Clearwater)

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WORKSHOP- The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process (Ocala)

REGISTER The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This workshop will walk through the steps involved in […]

WEBINAR- LHAP Strategy Design and Amendments

REGISTER This webinar provides guidance on writing new strategies and submitting amendments to a current LHAP. This includes the considerations of what should be included when updating or changing the LHAP. Learn how to write a SHIP strategy that is clear, concise and complies with all of the program requirements. The training will highlight details […]

WEBINAR- Inclusionary Zoning Compliance with HB 7103

REGISTER Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) is a local land use planning tool that requires a housing developer under certain circumstances to include a percentage or specified number of affordable housing units within a market-rate development. House Bill 7103, which became law on July 1, 2019, amends the express statutory authorization for mandatory IZ to provide a […]

WORKSHOP- Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP (Tampa)

REGISTER This workshop provides an introduction to the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing utilizing SHIP, including the challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation. The presenters will provide an overview of tax credit deals from a SHIP perspective in order to help participants understand the local government role in funding and […]

WEBINAR- New Construction Strategies and Partnerships

REGISTER This webinar is designed to guide SHIP administrators as they explore opportunities for local governments to develop single family homes while working with developers and sponsors. Designing a strategy in your Local Housing Assistance Plan that meets the SHIP requirements is an important first step in this process. Learn how to solicit sponsors and […]

WEBINAR- SHIP File Documentation- Part 1

REGISTER A key element for SHIP program compliance requires that local governments retain proper file documentation when it comes to administrative responsibilities such as advertising, managing waiting lists, as well as maintaining proper documentation related to processing applications and providing assistance. This webinar will focus on the use of a checklist to assist in file […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WEBINAR- SHIP File Documentation- Part 2

REGISTER This second session of a two-part webinar series focuses on properly documenting SHIP tracking of program hard and soft cost, documenting expenditures, best practices for reconciliation of program expenditures with the finance department, documenting and tracking compliance with the SHIP program set aside requirements using the new SHIP tracking spreadsheet. The presenters will also […]

WORKSHOP- Housing Funding Training for Finance Department Staff (Vero Beach)

REGISTER This is a new type of training designed for Finance Department Staff to address topics related to housing programs.  It will help city and county finance department staff work successfully with SHIP, HOME and CDBG staff.  The presenters will highlight several best practices for financial management.  They will offer guidance to ensure compliance with SHIP tracking and […]

WEBINAR- Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP

REGISTER This webinar provides an introduction to the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing utilizing SHIP, including the challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation. The presenters will provide an overview of tax credit deals from a SHIP perspective in order to help participants understand the local government role in funding […]

WEBINAR- The Credit Underwriting Process for Affordable Housing

REGISTER Underwriting takes place after a funding award has been approved. The invitation to credit underwriting is a vital first step to prepare for--long before applying for financing. It is a complex and critical part of financial agreements that will govern the short and long term of the development’s feasibility. The presenters will help de-mystify […]

WORKSHOP- Shared Equity and Permanent Affordability (Sarasota)

REGISTER This workshop will explain shared equity programs, and how incorporating shared equity provisions into SHIP strategies can more effectively expand and preserve the affordable housing stock. We will cover the philosophy, mechanics, and best practices for shared equity programs with emphasis on permanent affordability using community land trusts. Presenters will address key topics such […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Inclusionary Zoning & HB 7103- Part 2

REGISTER Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) is a local land use planning tool that requires a housing developer under certain circumstances to include a percentage of affordable housing units within a market-rate development. Under new state law, local governments are now required to provide incentives to “fully offset all costs” to the developer as a result of […]

WEBINAR- Creating a Paperless SHIP Program

REGISTER Many local governments in Florida who receive SHIP funding are moving towards paperless files in which client files, verification and information are retained electronically. Florida Housing Finance Corporation supports paperless files but also requires compliance with State regulations regarding proper file documentation and retention. This webinar will feature information on the Neighborly software as […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- March 6

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a free webinar for Sadowski Affiliates. The Sadowski Affiliates webinars provides you with information that will help you know what is happening with the housing trust funds and how you can help. Presenters: Jaimie Ross, facilitator of Sadowski Housing Coalition and president of Florida Housing Coalition; Mark Hendrickson, […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Offering SHIP Housing Education and Counseling- Part 1

REGISTER SHIP administrators may benefit from establishing many local partnerships, including housing counseling partners. In the first webinar of this two-part series, SHIP administrators will learn how to partner with HUD approved counseling agencies to provide education and one-on-one assistance to the SHIP eligible households who apply for SHIP purchase assistance. Equipping buyers with this […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Program Administration (Riviera Beach)

REGISTER This training is designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program and assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. This workshop addresses the primary responsibilities of SHIP program implementation and will help participants improve their application process, establish quality control […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Orientation and Program Administration

REGISTER SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address: A Year in the Life of a SHIP Administrator: Deadlines & Responsibilities Annual report preparation 19/20 Considerations, including a review of Special Needs compliance Preparation of the LHAP and AHAC Report And your questions Staff with more […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- Update on Appropriations and Housing Bills

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a free webinar for Sadowski Affiliates. The Sadowski Affiliates webinars provides you with information that will help you know what is happening with the housing trust funds and how you can help. Presenters: Jaimie Ross, facilitator of Sadowski Housing Coalition and president of Florida Housing Coalition; Mark Hendrickson, […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER Join the Florida Housing Coalition as we host a webinar to discuss the COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida. Please join us on Thursday, March 19 at 1:30 pm. This webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19, as well as a guest speakers. Guest speakers include: Trey […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- CLT Homebuyer Education

REGISTER This webinar will provide tools and tips for effectively explaining community land trust homeownership as part of homebuyer education courses and in one-on-one counseling sessions.

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida- 03/26

REGISTER HERE This webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19, as well as a guest speakers. Guest speakers include: Debra Koehler, President, Sage Partners Manny Sarria, Assistant Executive Director, Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust Zach Summerlin, Assistant Policy Director and Supportive Housing Coordinator, Florida Housing Finance Corporation Kody Glazer, Legal Director, […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Successfully Implementing Counseling Assistance- Part 2

REGISTER The second and final webinar in this series will address how HUD approved counseling agencies may provide your SHIP eligible applicants with post-purchase education, foreclosure prevention classes, and one-on-one counseling. The training will also feature the Homebuyer Education Module for those who purchase a home in a Community Land Trust. Research shows that this […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Emergency SHIP Assistance for Renters

REGISTER Before your SHIP program can aid eligible renter households impacted by COVID-19, you must update and activate your LHAP disaster strategy.  Learn the details of offering emergency rent payments and eviction prevention.  Presenters will review tenant legal protections as well as the measures that some Florida communities have established to support renters during this […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Assisting Homeless and Special Needs Populations through COVID-19

REGISTER This webinar will provide examples of available resources and community approaches for those working in the Housing Crisis Response System, including how to implement the following programs: Outreach, Coordinated Entry, Emergency Shelter, Prevention, and Permanent Housing programs. Additionally, funding opportunities will be explored that provide essential disaster assistance including: Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Community […]

WEBINAR- Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process: PART 1- April 9

REGISTER The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs.  This webinar will focus on the rehabilitation process, program design, […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida- 04/09

REGISTER Join the Florida Housing Coalition as we host a webinar to discuss the COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida. Please join us. This webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19, as well as a guest speakers.

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process: PART 2- April 13

REGISTER Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs.  This webinar will focus on the pre-bid process, the scope of work, and the inspection process.

WEBINAR- Helping Homeowners with COVID-19 SHIP Emergency Assistance

REGISTER Homeowners experiencing reduced hours or unemployment during this emergency period may face mortgage default or foreclosure.  Learn about the policy decisions, file documentation and steps involved in providing emergency mortgage payments.  Presenters will review key elements of foreclosure counseling and the benefits of contracting with a counseling agency.  Participants will learn how to update […]

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP PART 1: April 15

REGISTER This is the first of three webinars provided as replacement for the cancelled “Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP” workshop that was to be held on April 16, 2020, in Tallahassee.  Housing providers should be aware of the external disaster planning process and understand their role in supporting the process by participating and providing […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida- 04/16

REGISTER Join the Florida Housing Coalition as we host a webinar to discuss the COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida. Please join us. This webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19, as well as a guest speakers. WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida- 04/16

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP PART 2: April 20

REGISTER The presenters will address how SHIP-DR and other funding sources may contribute to disaster recovery. Topics include disaster-related documentation required, avoiding duplication of benefits, disaster-related repair considerations, using SHIP with CDBG-DR, HHRP, and more. Participants will learn about innovative best practices for post-disaster recovery related to temporary housing, rapid repair, and more.  Presenters will […]

WEBINAR – Virtual SHIP: Moving your Government Functions Online

REGISTER Local governments are moving their functions online to avoid in-person meetings during this health crisis. This webinar will help local governments comply with Florida’s Sunshine Law for their virtual meetings to ensure open access and public comment for public meetings. It will review options for remote communication that comply with Florida’s public meeting law […]

WEBINAR- Determining if a CLT is Right for Your Community

REGISTER Most local governments have a basic understanding of how community land trusts work and how they increase homeownership opportunities for lower income households while preserving long-term affordability. This webinar will answer the question: Is a CLT right for my community, and if so, where should we begin? The presenters will discuss the impact local […]

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP PART 3: April 22

REGISTER This final in a series of disaster webinars will discuss the SHIP Disaster Strategy in the context of Overall Disaster Management.  It will focus on the role of Volunteer Organizations in Disaster Management.  Presenters will provide Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Case Studies and will address SHIP Disaster Frequently Asked Questions.

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP

REGISTER Florida’s housing providers must be prepared for hurricanes, fires, floods, tornados and more. Every hurricane season has the potential to be a destructive one—this is incentive enough to plan for disaster recovery. A strong and resilient housing inventory is essential to protecting life and property. This webinar will be presented in coordination with staff […]

WEBINAR- Using SHIP to Address Homelessness

REGISTER In the effort to make homelessness rare, brief, and one time, all levels of government and local communities are encouraged to act on strategies that expand the supply of, and increase access to, rental housing subsidies and other affordable housing options. To support this effort, SHIP may provide up to a year of rent […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Implementing Effective Rental Assistance Programs with Federal and State Resources

REGISTER Many communities have been given a remarkable opportunity to respond to COVID-19 through rental assistance. This great opportunity also presents challenges in that, in order to administer an effective rental assistance program, there must be a coordinated community response. This webinar offers participants an opportunity to review the federal and state funding sources available […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida- May 14

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- COVID-19 SHIP Rent Assistance Implementation

REGISTER This webinar builds upon an April 2 training on establishing a SHIP rental assistance program along with the May 13 webinar on “Implementing and Administering Effective Rental Assistance Programs".  While the May 13 training will help SHIP staff understand how to leverage federal and state funding to create a rental assistance program with a […]

WEBINAR- Tracking SHIP Funds, Set-Aside Compliance and Deadlines

REGISTER This training focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules. The presenters will discuss a timeline that will help you keep up with the expenditure and encumbrance deadlines. Participants will learn the details of complying with the income, homeownership, construction, […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 SHIP Mortgage Assistance Implementation

REGISTER This webinar builds upon an April 14 webinar on establishing a SHIP mortgage assistance program.  Presenters will discuss next steps involved with processing applications, completing new forms, and collecting documentation. The training will offer updates about forbearance policies and guidance about SHIP for foreclosure counseling.  Learn about next steps involved with processing applications, like […]

WEBINAR- Preparing for the SHIP Monitor: PART 1- May 21

REGISTER This is the first of three webinars provided as replacement for the cancelled “Preparing for the SHIP Monitor” workshop that was to be held on May 21, 2020, in Tampa.  Have you received notice that a Florida Housing Finance Corporation Monitor will soon conduct a compliance review of your SHIP program? Don’t get nervous—get […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Building a Coordinated Plan to Deploy Federal and State Rental Housing and Homelessness Program Funding

REGISTER This webinar offers guidance on developing a consolidated investment plan for uses of housing and homelessness rental funding in the COVID era. Presenters will review resources for identifying community needs as well as how to develop a comprehensive understanding of local resources that work best for specific needs. In addition, participants will better understand […]

WEBINAR- Preparing for the SHIP Monitor: PART 2- May 26

REGISTER Don’t be nervous—get prepared for the monitor. In this second webinar you will learn about the items that monitors look for related to file documentation, eligibility determination, and administrative procedures.  This may help you achieve the best outcome during your next monitoring visit. The training will outline SHIP rule compliance, as well as options […]

WEBINAR- Preparing for the SHIP Monitor: PART 3- May 27

REGISTER In this third and final webinar you will learn about budget reconciliation, annual reporting, and SHIP tracking documents that monitors will review.  In addition, presenters will discuss the local government monitoring responsibilities when working with Nonprofit Sub Recipients & Sponsors.  You will also hear best practices for monitoring rental housing for SHIP compliance

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This weekly webinar will provide you with the resources that we've gathered to-date surrounding COVID-19. Each week will feature the latest updates by the Florida Housing Coalition staff, as well as special guests to help provide a local, statewide, and national perspective.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Funding Sources- Part 1

REGISTER This training is designed for SHIP administrators, other local government housing staff, and nonprofit developers. It provides an overview of major funding sources to subsidize the development of affordable housing, beginning with SHIP, SAIL, CDBG, HOME, and LIHTC. Presenters will also provide an overview of Opportunity Zones, a new program created under the Tax […]

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