• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

Implementing a Successful AHAC

Each Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) is required to produce an annual report with recommendations on affordable housing incentive strategies. This training will cover what is required of the AHAC, how to run an effective meeting, and how to best use your AHAC as a catalyst for affordable housing policy. Local government staff and AHAC […]

WEBINAR- New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar will assist new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, as well as the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance.  SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address deadlines […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification, Part 1

REGISTER HERE This is the first of a two-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP rule and statute and your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification, Part 2

REGISTER This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the income certification, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income.

WEBINAR- Housing Counseling: Emerging Issues Resulting from COVID

REGISTER An increasing number of homeowners need help avoiding foreclosure as they face pandemic-related hardships. In addition, the housing market is hot across Florida and low to moderate income buyers need help navigating it. In response, SHIP administrators should consider housing counseling agency partnerships. The training will address how HUD-approved counseling agencies may provide your […]

WEBINAR- Using the LHAP Between Triennial Updates

REGISTER This webinar will assist local government staff in the preparation and implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) as required by SHIP. It focuses on using and improving on the LHAP in the three years between when the plan is formally updated. Learn how to write a LHAP that is clear, concise and […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- September 24

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- SHIP Program Administration, Part 1

REGISTER This is first training in a two-part series designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. This webinar will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Program Administration, Part 2

REGISTER Presenters will review a year-long timeline of SHIP tasks and deadlines and will provide LHAP guidance about strategy implementation. Participants will learn about tracking and reporting SHIP, financial management, monitoring, and compliance. This administration training looks beyond a list of rules and regulations to help participants understand the basis and reasoning for program requirements. […]

WEBINAR- The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process, Part 1

REGISTER The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This is the first session of a two-part webinar […]

WEBINAR- Navigating Affordable Housing Law

REGISTER Florida has a variety of state-specific statutes that govern affordable housing policy. This training will introduce basic principles of Florida affordable housing law and answer frequently asked questions regarding the state’s affordable housing programs. Topics include Florida land use laws relating to affordable housing, Florida’s surplus lands law, local funding sources, and the Florida […]

WEBINAR- Understanding the Housing Crisis Response System

REGISTER The Housing Crisis Response System refers to the system of providers, housing stakeholders, and resources available to help people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. This webinar examines the components of an effective housing crisis response system and gives an overview of each, including prevention/diversion, outreach and coordinated entry, emergency shelter, rapid rehousing, and […]

WEBINAR- Considering New Strategies for your LHAP

REGISTER With an increase in SHIP allocations for the 2021 SHIP fiscal year, local governments can consider a combination of diverse strategies to address all the housing needs in their communities. This webinar will discuss not-so-common strategies that can be used to serve both renters and owners. Local governments will be encouraged to review local […]

WEBINAR- Supporting Your Rental Housing Developer

REGISTER Every community in Florida has a shortage of affordable rental housing. Local governments seek quality multifamily development that is responsive to community needs. In the past, local governments had little or no say in the type, scale, or location of multifamily developments. If they met code, they could be built with no local subsidy. […]

WEBINAR- Updating Your Community’s LHAP: Part 1

REGISTER This is the first in a three-webinar series that addresses the fundamentals of preparing and implementing the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) as required by SHIP.  These may be some of the most popular webinars of the year, considering that half of SHIP communities must update their SHIP plans in 2022.  The first webinar […]

WEBINAR- Updating Your Community’s LHAP: Part 2

REGISTER This second part of a three-webinar LHAP series provides guidance to help SHIP administrators adjust, adapt, and be successful in the LHAP submittal and approval process. Learn how to write housing strategies that are clear, concise, and comply with new plan requirements.  The training will include guidance on designing housing strategies that leverage resources […]

WEBINAR- Housing Needs Assessments

REGISTER Planners and housing providers must create the framework for housing programs that are based on documented community need. This requires the preparation of a Housing Needs Assessment. This webinar explains mapping local housing needs that can generate the programs and solutions required to meet the specific housing needs in the community. Data sources for […]

WEBINAR- Updating Your Community’s LHAP: Part 3

REGISTER This is the final part of a three-webinar series that addresses the fundamentals of preparing and implementing the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). This webinar will offer instructions on properly completing the Housing Delivery Goals Chart and other exhibits, as well as guidance on specific strategies.  The presenters will share best practices to ensure […]

WEBINAR- Healthy Partnerships Between For-Profit and Non-Profit Developers

REGISTER For-profit developers are on the lookout to partner with nonprofits to qualify for the nonprofit set-aside in the FHFC Tax Credit process. Nonprofits who do not have the development experience to submit a winning application without an experienced development partner can benefit from partnering with an experienced developer. This webinar explores the process for […]

WEBINAR- Design Your Housing RFP Process for Quality Responses

REGISTER Local government housing administrators and procurement staff frequently find it necessary to undergo a Request for Proposal process when multiple developments compete for local funding, land donations and regulation concessions. This webinar delivers a concise framework that local governments can adopt to ensure that local housing needs and expectations are met, the process is […]

WEBINAR- Best Practices in Homelessness Prevention

REGISTER Homelessness Prevention is a type of eviction prevention assistance geared toward households who will be at risk of homelessness without assistance. This webinar will review best practices in the implementation of homelessness prevention, including financial assistance models, targeted prevention, and support services. An overview of funding sources will include federal and state funding for […]

WEBINAR- Sadowski Affiliates- 2022 Legislative Session- Jan. 21, 2022

The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a free webinar for Sadowski Affiliates. The Sadowski Affiliates webinars provides you with information that will help you know what is happening with the housing trust funds and how you can help. We will use the GoToWebinar service, please click here to register for the free upcoming webinar. If […]

WEBINAR- Planning and Zoning Topics for Affordable Housing

REGISTER Local land use policies affect the development of housing that is affordable. This training focuses on how zoning codes, impact fees, development standards, and review processes impact the cost of development and how local governments can use their land use authority to require, facilitate, and encourage the production of affordable housing. Presenters will discuss […]

WEBINAR- Planning to Shelter in Place

REGISTER Targeting housing mitigation activities to support your community’s most vulnerable populations can allow persons with special needs to shelter in place during and after a disaster. Strengthening a home’s ability to withstand hazards prior to a disaster occurring can help persons with special needs shelter in place, removing the additional obstacles of registering for […]

WEBINAR- Updating Your Community’s LHAP (Workshop Supplemental)

REGISTER While an in-person LHAP workshop was initially planned, this training was offered as a 3-webinar series in December.  This January supplemental webinar is strongly recommended for staff with Local Housing Assistance Plans due in 2022.  It will provide examples of how the Florida Housing Coalition is helping communities to prepare their LHAPs.  Presenters will […]

WEBINAR- Creating a Resilient Housing Stock through Risk Assessment and Mitigation

REGISTER Natural disasters are inevitable- whether brought on by climate change, sea level rise, extreme storms, or life-threatening heat waves. Florida’s housing providers have done a superb job of creating homeowner rehab programs and requiring new development to feature advanced construction or green building principles. But we have only touched the tip of the iceberg. […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification: Part 1

REGISTER This is the first of a three-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income.  It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP Rule and Statute and your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program

REGISTER A majority of SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirement. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in developing, implementing, and managing a successful purchase […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification: Part 2

REGISTER This webinar will focus on the central activity of verification.  First, presenters will address income verification and will offer several examples of third-party verification.  Next, participants will learn about verifying assets to calculate income.  The presenters will explain how verification must comply with the 120-day clock rule.  The training will also address critical eligibility […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification: Part 3

REGISTER This is the final session of a three-part training.  This webinar will offer examples of calculating asset income and completing the income certification form.  Presenters will address what to include in the award letter, along with details about monitoring and compliance. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income, working alongside the […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds: Part 1

In the first session, participants will receive a broad overview of SAIL including the program rule, how to apply for funding, the types of projects that are eligible for SAIL funding and how projects are selected.  the Florida Housing Finance Corporation ‘Request for Application’ process. This session will also include an explanation of the required […]

WEBINAR- New Construction Strategies and Partnerships

REGISTER This will help SHIP administrators explore opportunities to encourage the development of single-family homes while working with developers and sponsors. Designing a strategy in your Local Housing Assistance Plan that meets SHIP requirements is an important first step. Learn how to solicit sponsors and developers, structure your program, develop effective agreements, and outline responsibilities […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds: Part 2

In the second webinar of this 3-part training, presenters will explain how the program works in conjunction with bonds and other funding and within the framework of developing or rehabilitating affordable rental housing.  Participants will learn about subsidy layering, combining sources of funding such as SAIL and tax credits or SAIL and Housing Trust Funds.  […]

WEBINAR: The Pre-Development Process- Part 1

REGISTER This is the beginning of a two-part series designed for nonprofit housing developers, construction management staff, planning staff, and housing program administrators. Predevelopment is one of the most important components of housing development. This training provides guidance to nonprofit organizations on predevelopment activities and due diligence necessary prior to the development of affordable housing […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds: Part 3

The third and final SAIL workshop will include a showcase of successful projects exhibiting the wide range of housing types possible with the program  including farmworker-fisher worker housing, housing for persons experiencing homelessness, and permanent supportive housing for homeless and those with disabling conditions.  Meet the developers and learn their strategies, challenges and ultimately success. […]

WEBINAR- The Pre-Development Process: Part 2

REGISTER Presenters will cover construction/design, zoning and land uses, budgeting, and the timeframe of the predevelopment process. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Predevelopment Loan Program requirements as the presenters walk through the process for obtaining a loan. This webinar series complements the Affordable Housing Funding Sources webinars.

WEBINAR- Using ARPA Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Affordable Housing

All 67 counties and 77 cities in Florida received direct funding through the American Rescue Plan's Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program. This program provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to address the affordable housing crisis. This webinar will discuss how local governments can use their SLFRF funds towards affordable housing activities and showcase […]

WEBINAR- Rehabilitation Partnerships with Local PHAs

REGISTER Identify community partners with expertise, including Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) with repair funds that may be leveraged with SHIP. Ensuring that a community’s affordable housing stock remains safe and habitable requires funding and coordination among various partners. This webinar will discuss how PHAs can work together with community partners, leveraging other public resources to […]

WEBINAR- The Development Process: Part 1

REGISTER This is the beginning of a two-part training series that provides participants with an introduction to the housing development process from the point of view of the developer. It is designed for nonprofit developers, housing program administrators, and their community partners. In this first session, the presenters will address land use, impact fees, permitting, […]

WEBINAR- The Development Process: Part 2

REGISTER This is the second training of a two-part series. Understanding the development process, as well as the costs and financing needed to make affordable housing production happen, will enable housing administrators to design effective affordable housing programs. Participants will gain a better of understanding of how amounts and timing of subsidies directly influence the […]

WEBINAR- Building Capacity to Build: The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer

REGISTER This webinar covers three critical areas of capacity building for nonprofit organizations. It provides an overview with best practices on nonprofit strategic planning, nonprofit financial responsibilities, and whether you should seek designation as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). This designation opens the door for eligibility for the HOME program CHDO set-aside. This webinar […]

WEBINAR- Tracking SHIP Activity Throughout the Year

REGISTER This training focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules. The presenters will discuss a timeline that will help you keep up with the expenditure and encumbrance deadlines. Participants will learn the details of complying with the income, homeownership, construction, […]

WEBINAR- Terms of Assistance

REGISTER This training will unveil the new publication on Terms of Assistance. It will discuss the continuum of options for providing SHIP assistance, from offering grants to establishing direct loans that must be repaid in monthly installments. What considerations go into deciding when to make a grant versus a loan? If you make a loan, […]

WEBINAR- Data Driven Planning

REGISTER This training will unveil the new publication on Data Driven Planning. It will look at the housing, disaster, demographic, transportation, and health data sources available to local planners, housing professionals, and elected officials to help them understand and respond to the affordable housing challenges in their communities. The presenters will discuss available resources and […]

WEBINAR- Long-term Affordability and Understanding Deed Restrictions

REGISTER Affordable housing financed with government subsidy must be affordable for a set period of time. This training will address best practices for ensuring that these housing units are affordable long-term. Presenters will discuss Community Land Trusts, Land Use Restriction Agreements (LURA), and how to determine which legal mechanism to use in differing situations. This […]

WEBINAR- ERASE Workshop- Master Leasing

Join us for our tenth Ending Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) workshop on June 30 at 1:30 pm. This workshop is designed for local governments, nonprofits, and other partners working to administer rental assistance programs for households experiencing homelessness. Our June workshop spotlights master leasing as a useful tool for engaging landlords and ramping […]

WEBINAR: Preparing and Submitting the Annual Report

This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff to complete their annual report by September 15.  Presenters will highlight changes to the online reporting system and common reporting errors to avoid. The training is especially designed to help new SHIP staff members who have recently been assigned tracking or annual reporting responsibilities. Learn how to […]

WEBINAR- Creating an Annual Schedule for AHAC Reports

This webinar is designed to address how to continue work with the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC). Presenters will offer training to communities that have all recently produced reports. They will offer suggestions for ongoing committee work, including concentrating on a handful of incentives, and considering topics beyond incentive strategies. Speakers for this webinar include: […]

WEBINAR- Financing and Supporting Rental Housing Development

This is part 1 of a development webinar series. It will discuss the roles of both small-scale and large-scale developments in meeting rental housing needs, and how each are financed. Presenters will discuss developer profiles associated with each type of development, funding sources and scenarios, and how local governments can use SHIP, SLFRF and other […]

WEBINAR- Post-Disaster Emergency Housing

This webinar is focused on planning for post disaster emergency housing since hurricane season is not the time to start plans. Once a hurricane has damaged and destroyed homes, there may be hundreds of homes needed for survivors for temporary housing and for long term recovery.   Pre-covery is the concept of preparing for disaster by […]

WEBINAR- AHAC Orientation: Part 1

This webinar is designed to offer a primer for new members to orient them to AHAC responsibilities.  Presenters will discuss the benefits of housing incentives and review five incentive strategies listed in the SHIP statute: expedited permitting, fee waivers for affordable housing, reduction of parking and setback requirements, flexibility in density, and flexible lot configurations.  […]

WEBINAR- AHAC Orientation: Part 1

This webinar is designed to offer a primer for new members to orient them to AHAC responsibilities.  Presenters will discuss the benefits of housing incentives and review five incentive strategies listed in the SHIP statute: expedited permitting, fee waivers for affordable housing, reduction of parking and setback requirements, flexibility in density, and flexible lot configurations.  […]

WEBINAR- Overcoming NIMBY Opposition

Florida has a substantial deficit of affordable rental housing.  We can’t afford Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) opposition to derail the production of affordable rental homes. Today, even senior housing faces NIMBY opposition.  Jaimie Ross, nationally recognized expert in avoiding and overcoming NIMBYism is presenting and will include affordable rental practitioners to share their experiences. […]

WEBINAR- Using Publicly Owned Lands for Affordable Housing

This webinar provides guidance on how the public sector, including school boards and Community Redevelopment Agencies, can use its land for affordable housing purposes. Publicly owned land is one of the most important tools a local government must address the affordable housing crisis. Some local governments have enormous numbers of properties in their inventory available […]

WEBINAR- Hurricane Ian SHIP Response

Please join us for the “Hurricane Ian SHIP Response” webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, November 2 from 10:00 to 11:30 am.  This webinar on SHIP disaster housing recovery will feature two distinct types of training.  First, learn about the deductible assistance program funded with SHIP-DR in Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Hardee, Lee, and Sarasota Counties. Presenters will […]

WORKSHOP- The Credit Underwriting Process for Affordable Housing

This workshop is designed to introduce the underwriting process that takes place after a funding award has been approved. The invitation to credit underwriting is a vital first step to prepare for before applying for financing. It is a complex and critical part of financial agreements that will govern the short- and long-term process of […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for the SHIP Monitor- Part 1

This webinar is designed to familiarize SHIP staff with the periodic monitoring process. Have you received notice that a Florida Housing Finance Corporation Monitor will soon conduct a compliance review of your SHIP program? Don’t get nervous—get prepared. This first webinar will provide the results from an analysis of recent monitoring reports to help you […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for the SHIP Monitor- Part 2

This is the second half of a webinar series will outline SHIP rule compliance, as well as options offered by Florida Housing Finance Corporation for addressing non-compliance issues. Learn about budget reconciliation, annual reporting, and SHIP tracking documents that monitors will review. In addition, presenters will discuss the local government monitoring responsibilities when working with […]

WEBINAR: Proficiency in Income Qualification- Part 1

This is the first of a two-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP statute and rule as well as your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification: Part 2

This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the resident income certification form, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income. REGISTER HERE

WEBINAR: The Role of SHIP in Housing Resilience Strategic Planning

Housing providers should be aware of the external disaster planning process and understand their role in supporting the process by participating and providing information necessary to prevent the loss of life and property in the event of a disaster. This training describes the leadership and coordinator responsibilities of public-sector housing providers as they interact with […]

WEBINAR: underwriting completed by Florida Housing and other funders. LHAP Design- Part 1

This webinar will assist local government staff in the preparation and implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) as required by SHIP. It focuses on using and improving on the LHAP in the three years between when the plan is formally updated. Learn how to write a LHAP that is clear, concise and complies […]

WEBINAR: LHAP Design- Part 2

This webinar will provide examples of the nuts and bolts of the plan update. This is an important training, considering that many SHIP communities must submit new LHAPs in 2023. Key topics to be addressed include properly defining terms of assistance and designing housing strategies that work in a changing market. Presenters will discuss not-so-common […]

WEBINAR- LHAP Design: Part 2

This webinar will provide examples of the nuts and bolts of the plan update. This is an important training, considering that many SHIP communities must submit new LHAPs in 2023. Key topics to be addressed include properly defining terms of assistance and designing housing strategies that work in a changing market. Presenters will discuss not-so-common […]

WEBINAR- Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP

SHIP funding is primarily focused on homeownership, but it can be a valuable tool to support rental housing projects. This workshop addresses the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing. The challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation will be covered, as will small, scattered site deals and large-scale developments. The presenters […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds: Part 1

This two-part webinar series will focus on Florida’s State Apartment Incentive Loan program, an essential source of financing that is flexible and tailored to fill funding gaps in affordable multifamily housing projects. SAIL, created by the State of Florida, has been a national model for providing gap financing for affordable apartments since it was created […]

WEBINAR- Accessory Dwelling Units for Affordable Housing

This training is part of the Models for Affordable Housing webinar series. Accessory dwelling units, also called granny flats, mother-in-law suites, and carriage houses, can be a smart growth tool for affordable housing and is a housing type supported by the Florida Legislature. Presenters will explain how local governments can ease barriers to ADU development […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Program Administration: Part 1

This is the first training in a two-part series designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. This webinar will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and […]

WEBINAR- HHRP Recovery Assistance for Hurricanes Ian and Nicole

This webinar on disaster housing recovery will benefit SHIP staff all over Florida and will feature two distinct types of training.  First, learn about the new HHRP funds currently being allocated to SHIP offices in areas impacted by Hurricanes Ian and/or Nicole.  Presenters will provide an introduction to HHRP, discuss the role of the LHAP […]

WEBINAR- Affordable Housing Development Using SAIL Funds: Part 2

This second training focuses on SAIL rental development. Presenters will demonstrate how SAIL can be leveraged with the 4% or 9% low-income housing tax credits, multifamily bonds and other funding sources for developing or rehabilitating affordable rental housing. The training will showcase successful projects exhibiting the wide range of housing types possible with the program, […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Program Administration: Part 2

This second half of a webinar series is designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program. Presenters will review a year-long timeline of SHIP tasks and deadlines and will provide LHAP guidance about strategy implementation. Participants will learn about tracking and reporting SHIP, fiscal management, monitoring, and compliance. This administration training […]

WEBINAR- Curing Title Issues

This second half of a webinar series is designed to provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program. Presenters will review a year-long timeline of SHIP tasks and deadlines and will provide LHAP guidance about strategy implementation. Participants will learn about tracking and reporting SHIP, fiscal management, monitoring, and compliance. This administration training […]

WEBINAR- Developing Selection Criteria for Recipients and Sponsors

This webinar will help local governments develop a selection system to identify SHIP eligible applicants and consider how to prioritize them in accordance with the selection criteria identified in the LHAP.   In addition, the training will address selection criteria for sponsors that will build or repair housing with SHIP.  Sub-recipient selection will also be addressed […]

WORKSHOP- Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP

SHIP funding is primarily focused on homeownership, but it can be a valuable tool to support rental housing projects. This workshop addresses the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing. The challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation will be covered, as will small, scattered site deals and large-scale developments. The presenters […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program

This training introduces best practices for helping home buyers. Most SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirement. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in developing, […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification

This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who oversee the SHIP office. One of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical eligibility activities, including income verification, determining household size, and calculation […]

WEBINAR- Increasing Minority Homeownership

Presenters will discuss federal, state and local fair housing law enforcement and compliance, improving outreach of purchase assistance programs to reach minority populations and those least likely to apply. How a Limited English Proficiency Plan can increase participation, and the role of counseling as a tool to provide increased outreach and minority homeownership. Local government […]

WEBINAR- Using SHIP to End Homelessness

This training will address using SHIP to prevent and end homelessness. We will discuss strategies including eviction prevention, rental assistance, and development of housing for special needs populations. SHIP funds can and should be used to help round out options and fill gaps in housing needs for special populations, including those nearing and/or homelessness We […]

WEBINAR- New Construction Strategies and Partnerships

This webinar is designed to guide SHIP administrators as they explore opportunities for local governments to develop single family homes while working with developers and sponsors. Designing a strategy in your Local Housing Assistance Plan that meets the SHIP requirements is an important first step in this process. Learn how to solicit sponsors and developers, […]

WORKSHOP- Successful Purchase Assistance and New Construction Strategies

This workshop will discuss two major strategies identified in LHAPs. Most SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirement. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in […]

WEBINAR- Working with Blended Financing/Subsidy Layering

The webinar offers useful guidance to help determine which rule takes precedence over another when monitoring blended projects. This webinar offers guidance on monitoring projects that have multiple funding sources such as SHIP, HOME and tax credit financing. It will address which project rules apply when there are multiple funding sources and considerations when reviewing […]

WEBINAR- Survive and Thrive as a Nonprofit

This webinar is designed to help nonprofits build organizational capacity, which in turn supports resource development. This training will help those interested in building nonprofit organizational capacity and resiliency, such as nonprofit CEOs or executive directors, senior staff, board members, funders, and local government staff working with nonprofits. Presenters will help participants identify factors that […]

WEBINAR- Working with Sponsors and Subrecipients

This webinar will offer guidance on how to outsource implementation of one or more SHIP strategies to nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors and subrecipients and hear firsthand from the SHIP staff and/or sponsors and subrecipients that provide SHIP services. The presenters will highlight key examples of how […]

WEBINAR- Surplus Land and Shared Equity

This training was formerly titled ‘Shared Equity'. Surplus land is a key resource for local governments in the production of workforce and affordable housing affordability. The Live Local Act provides new requirements and guidance on best practices for how local governments manage the disposition of land, including encouraging the utilization of land (99-yr) leases as […]

WEBINAR- Guidance on the Second HHRP Allocation

Please join us for a webinar providing guidance about the second HHRP Allocation, scheduled for Thursday, April 27 from 2pm to 3:30pm.  This webinar on housing recovery following Hurricanes Ian and Nicole will address the disbursement of $40 million from the Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP).  Topics will include: Get ideas for your second HHRP […]

WEBINAR- New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar will assist new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, as well as the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance. SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address deadlines […]

WEBINAR- Overview of Live Local Act

On March 29, 2023, Governor DeSantis signed the Live Local Act (SB 102) into law. The Live Local Act, which is the 2023 Legislative Session's omnibus housing bill, contains a number of policies aimed at producing more affordable homes in Florida. This webinar will be the first in a series of trainings designed to help […]

WEBINAR- Finance Department Staff Training

This is a training designed for Finance Department Staff to address topics related to state and federal housing programs. It will help city and county finance department staff work successfully with SHIP. The presenters will highlight several best practices for financial management. They will offer guidance to ensure compliance with SHIP tracking and annual reporting […]

WEBINAR- Tracking SHIP Activity Throughout the Year

This training focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules. The presenters will discuss a timeline that will help you keep up with the expenditure and encumbrance deadlines. Participants will learn the details of complying with the income, homeownership, construction, special […]

WEBINAR- New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications

New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications May 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3290624321796206350 This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff for changes to the annual report that require them to report application information on the SHIP annual report. Presenters will address how to track and report applications. Learn best practices for maintaining a […]

WEBINAR- Dissecting the Land Use and Property Tax Incentives in the Live Local Act

This training was formerly titled ‘Planning and Zoning’.  The Live Local Act (SB 102/HB 627) is a major piece of housing legislation that addresses a variety of policy initiatives to increase the supply of affordable housing in Florida. This webinar will specifically explore the Act's land use and property tax policies and what they mean […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Program Administration

This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and AHAC requirements. The guidance from this training will […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Rent Limits Policy

This training will introduce staff to using SHIP for rental housing, which come with several rules and requirements. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction prevention assistance […]

WEBINAR – Preparing and Submitting the SHIP Annual Report

Presenters will provide guidance on how to complete each tab of the report along with instructions on how to obtain data needed for the certification, questions on foreclosure default, success stories and more.  Learn about the procedures for submitting a 20/21 report if you have a little or a lot of SHIP expenditures… or zero […]

WEBINAR – Getting Rapid Rehousing Right

This webinar provides an overview of what makes a successful Rapid Re-Housing program no matter what funding source the program is using. This goes beyond the funding piece and looks at housing navigation, financial assistance, and support services. Funding sources such as federal block and formula grants, state grants, SHIP, and local funding will be […]

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 1)

Presenters will cover the process of advertising based on the SHIP statute and rule as well as your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish household size.

WEBINAR: Designing Your Housing RFP Process for Quality Responses

Local government housing administrators and procurement staff frequently find it necessary to undergo a Request for Proposal process when multiple developments compete for local funding, land donations and regulation concessions. This webinar delivers a concise framework that local governments can adopt to ensure that local housing needs and expectations are met, the process is fair, […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for Increased Ship Funding

This webinar addresses increased SHIP allocations. The presenters will help local government staff consider how to schedule and complete assistance in a timely manner and create project timelines. Also learn about additional LHAP strategies that you may add to benefit your community. Presenters will explain the length of time it will take to create, market, […]

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