• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Omnibus Housing Bill 1339 and How It Affects Your Programs

REGISTER House Bill 1339 is  the omnibus housing bill signed into law by Governor DeSantis on June 9. The bill amended and created statutory requirements for SHIP annual reporting, Affordable Housing Advisory Committees (AHACs), the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program, accessory dwelling units, linkage fees, and more. This webinar will provide a summary of […]

WEBINAR- COVID-19 Response for Housing and Homelessness in Florida

REGISTER This special COVID-19 weekly webinar will spotlight a conversation around racial equity and the COVID-19 response. Presenters will talk about the inequities surrounding COVID-19 and how those working in the housing and homelessness sector can increase efforts to address them.

Sadowski Update Webinar

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting a Sadowski Affiliates Webinar on July 6 at 11am. Registration for the free webinar is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JP Morgan Chase. This will be the launch of the Sadowski Coalition and […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

CRF for SHIP Guidance: Rent/Mortgage Assistance and More (Training 2)

REGISTER This is the second webinar following the Florida Housing Finance Corporation announcement of CRF CARES funds for city and county SHIP jurisdictions. Presenters will share helpful answers to your frequently asked questions.  Learn how to structure your program and CRF files to quickly expend funds. Receive more guidance on CRF administration and best practices […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Key Partners – Continuum of Care and More (CRF Training 3)

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a webinar, Key Partners - Continuum of Care and More (CRF Training 3), on August 5 at 2pm. A great way to deploy funding effectively and in a timely manner is to collaborate with local nonprofit partners. This webinar will focus on some key partner organizations that may […]

FHC CARES Office Hours

REGISTER Florida Housing Coalition CARES Office Hours focuses primarily on ESG-CV, CDBG-CV, and Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). FHC CARES Office Hours will share practical tips for ensuring the deployment of CARES Act resources to effectively address your community’s needs, as well as an opportunity for peer sharing along with questions and answers.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

CRF Agreement Review and Finance Staff SHIP Reimbursements Training

REGISTER Recruit the staff in your finance department to join you in learning more about how CRF may reimburse SHIP for COVID assistance.  Presenters will discuss eligible expenses that may be reimbursed.  Learn about transitioning from SHIP to CRF assistance and how to properly report the initial SHIP expense and the CRF reimbursement. The training […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Preparing for CRF Reporting and Monitoring (CRF Training 5)

REGISTER Your first CRF Report is due by October 1.  Presenters will compare how the CRF report is similar and different than SHIP.  Learn what information to track with the CRF DATA spreadsheet.  Topics will include reimbursements, project delivery costs, and counseling expenses. After funds are expended in December, CRF will be subject to compliance […]

FHC CARES Office Hours

REGISTER Florida Housing Coalition CARES Office Hours focuses primarily on ESG-CV, CDBG-CV, and Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). FHC CARES Office Hours will share practical tips for ensuring the deployment of CARES Act resources to effectively address your community’s needs, as well as an opportunity for peer sharing along with questions and answers.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Preparing and Submitting the SHIP Annual Report

REGISTER Florida Housing updated the SHIP annual reporting system in 2019 and we are all relatively new to using it.  This webinar provides guidance as you create your SHIP annual report.  Presenters will guide participants on how to complete each tab of the report along with instruction on how to obtain data needed for the […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Preparing for the CRF Monitor and Online Application Services (Training 6)

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a webinar, Preparing for the CRF Monitor and Online Application Services (Training 6), on August 26 at 2pm. After funds are expended in December, CRF will be subject to compliance monitoring. This webinar will help you prepare.  Presenters will explain the monitoring process and provide guidance on achieving […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Annual Affordable Housing Conference-2020

REGISTER Registration is now open for the Florida Housing Coalition's Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference! In the interest of everyone’s health, we will hold our statewide annual conference online this year - August 31-September 2. We have reduced the conference registration fees and increased the conference offerings. We will continue to provide CLE and CE course credits. […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

FHC CARES Office Hours- Sept. 17

REGISTER HERE The Florida Housing Coalition is offering another in our FHC CARES Office Hours series. In the September 17 Office Hours, we will review the new ESG Notice and discuss the recent CDC Eviction Moratorium. We will save plenty of time to respond to your question on both topics, as well questions about the FHFC-CRF […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Elected Officials Orientation to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC)

REGISTER  This training will provide an overview for elected officials newly appointed to the AHAC.  Presenters will discuss the AHAC’s focus on regulatory reform recommendations.  They will outline the steps involved with forming an AHAC recommendation along with the work of the governing board and local government staff to transform this into a fully implemented […]

FHC CARES Office Hours- Oct. 1

REGISTER HERE The Florida Housing Coalition is offering another in our FHC CARES Office Hours series. We will save plenty of time to respond to your question on both topics, as well questions about the FHFC-CRF and CDBG-CV programs.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Getting Rapid Rehousing Right

REGISTER HERE Rapid Re-Housing is designed to get people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing quickly and then provide support to help the household stabilize. This webinar provides an overview of what makes a successful Rapid Re-Housing program no matter what funding source the program is using. This goes beyond the funding piece and looks at […]

Changes to Expedite CRF, Closeout, and Landlord Orientation (CRF Training 10)

REGISTER Part 1 of this webinar will provide all CRF staff with guidance about the new policy removing the income restriction for rental assistance.  Learn how to save time processing applications to expedite assistance. Presenters will also discuss closeout topics in preparation for the end of the program on December 30. Part 2 of the […]

Sadowski Affiliates Webinar- Sadowski Update and Post-Election SHIP Campaign

The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting a Sadowski Affiliates Webinar November 16 at 1pm. Registration for the free webinar is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo. REGISTER HERE Join us for more a discussion that will include: […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Manufactured Housing

REGISTER Learn about SHIP and HHRP requirements for working on manufactured housing.  This training will address both every day affordable housing approaches that incorporate manufactured housing, as well as how they can assist with disaster housing recovery.

The Development Process

REGISTER HERE This webinar will help nonprofit developers, housing program administrators, and their community partners to understand the development process, as well as the costs and financing needed to make affordable housing production happen. Learn about a variety of development funding sources including SAIL. Presenters will address land use, impact fees, permitting, platting and more. […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

December payments, Forbearance, Revisiting Reimbursements (CRF Training #11)

REGISTER This webinar will address questions about December payments, as well as CRF administration after December.  Learn about CRF assistance for homeowners with a mortgage forbearance.  Funds may be used to assist with mortgage forbearance payments where an individual with a COVID hardship is unable to make such mortgage payments.  The presenters will share a […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Final CRF Assistance and Program Completion (CRF Training 12)

REGISTER This webinar will address more topics related to final program activities, including the procedure for returning funds and completing the final report. Program completion also means preparing for the CRF Monitor, so the training will identify what to look for when completing a final file review of assisted households. The presenters will also provide […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Jan. 29

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER HERE This webinar series that provides an overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It covers the process of proper advertising based on the SHIP rule and statute and your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish household […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb. 5

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb 12

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Comprehensive Overview of SAIL

REGISTER HERE The State Apartment Incentive Loan Program, created by the State of Florida, has been a national model for providing gap financing for affordable apartments since it was created over 30 years ago.  This training will explain how the program works in conjunction with bonds and other funding and within the framework of developing […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb. 19

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb 26

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 5

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 12

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 19

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Changes to the SHIP Annual Report

REGISTER HERE HB 1339 will require SHIP Administrators to include additional information on the SHIP annual report and institute new tracking of applications.  This training will provide guidance on the new requirements and best practices for tracking required annual report data.

Survive and Thrive as a Nonprofit

REGISTER HERE Designed to help nonprofits build organizational capacity, which in turn supports resource development. This training will help those interested in building nonprofit organizational capacity and resiliency, such as nonprofit CEOs or executive directors, senior staff, board members, funders, and local government staff working with nonprofits. Presenters will help participants identify factors that can […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 26

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Sadowski Affiliates Webinars- Every Tuesday

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

Sadowski Affiliates Webinar

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

Sadowski Affiliates Webinar

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

Using Surplus Lands for Affordable Housing

REGISTER HERE There is a wide disparity between how local governments are implementing the surplus lands law.  Some local governments have enormous numbers of property in their inventory available for affordable housing but are stymied in terms of understanding the next steps for disposition. Some local governments are inclined to avoid the law and sell […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- April 16

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Sadowski Affiliates Webinar

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

SHIP Rental Assistance Considerations: Design, Deployment, and Disaster

REGISTER HERE This webinar was formerly titled ‘SHIP Rental Assistance After the State of Emergency’. It will distinguish between rent assistance after a disaster and during blue sky times, including income determination and the selection and prioritization of eligible beneficiaries. Participants will learn about SHIP rent policy for rent deposits, rent subsidies, eviction prevention, and […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- April 23

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Sadowski Affiliates Webinar

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- April 30

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Sadowski Affiliates Webinars

Register for Weekly Sadowski Affiliates Webinars Every Tuesday at 10am  The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting Sadowski Affiliates Webinars every Tuesday at 10 am during the 2021 Legislative Session. Registration for the free webinars is open to all Sadowski Affiliates- and anyone can become a Sadowski Affiliate by emailing wells@flhousing.org. It is free due to the support of JPMorgan […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- May 7

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- May 14

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Tracking SHIP Funds, Set-Aside Compliance and Deadlines

REGISTER HERE This webinar focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules.  SHIP staff must track many things—this training details all that is involved with collecting the data needed to create annual reports.  The presenters will discuss a timeline to help […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- May 21

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- May 28

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Regulatory and Land Use Issues Affecting Affordable Housing- Part 1: House Bill 1339 Implementation

REGISTER HERE House Bill 1339 from Florida’s 2020 Legislative Session made substantive changes to the way local governments can plan for and regulate certain affordable housing policies. This first section of a three-part land use planning training focuses on how this piece of legislation affects land use planning for affordable housing development, providing in-depth training […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- June 4

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Regulatory and Land Use Issues Affecting Affordable Housing- Part 2: Regulatory Reform for Affordable Housing

REGISTER This second section of a three-part training focuses on how regulatory and land use policies affect affordable housing development. It will address how zoning codes, impact fees, development standards, and review processes dictate the cost of development and how local governments can better encourage and facilitate the production of affordable housing. This training will […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- June 11

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- June 18

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Regulatory and Land Use Issues Affecting Affordable Housing- Part 3: Resiliency Planning & Affordable Housing

REGISTER This final section of a three-part land use planning training focuses on how local governments can incorporate disaster resiliency in affordable housing planning. Presenters will focus first on 2021 Resiliency Legislation, along with the mitigation housing strategies used in some SHIP communities.  Participants will learn how to define housing resiliency along with specific construction […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- June 25

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- July 2

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- July 9

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- July 16

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Preparing and Submitting the Annual Report

Have you started working on your SHIP annuals reports, which will be due soon?  Were you able to meet your June 30 deadlines, and are you in compliance with set-aside requirements?  The SHIP annual reports are due September 15th, but the time to prepare is NOW!  This webinar will highlight changes to the online reporting […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- July 23

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Disaster Preparation and Recovery with SHIP

Florida’s housing providers are vital when a disaster strikes, residents are displaced, homes are damaged or destroyed, and lives are disrupted.  True recovery is not attained until people are back home to work and school. This training focuses on the role of housing in the preparation, response and recovery of the community’s single family, multifamily, […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- July 30

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Implementing a Successful AHAC

Each Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) is required to produce an annual report with recommendations on affordable housing incentive strategies. This training will cover what is required of the AHAC, how to run an effective meeting, and how to best use your AHAC as a catalyst for affordable housing policy. Local government staff and AHAC […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- August 6

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- August 13

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- August 20

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar will assist new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, as well as the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance.  SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address deadlines […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- August 27

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- September 3

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification, Part 1

REGISTER HERE This is the first of a two-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP rule and statute and your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to […]

WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification, Part 2

REGISTER This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the income certification, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- September 10

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Don’t forget: you can subscribe to our calendar and have access to the complete listing of Coalition events from the convenience of your personal Outlook, Google, or other calendar software. Click “Subscribe to Calendar” button to stay informed.