• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WORKSHOP – Enhancing Nonprofit Capacity for Providing Affordable Housing Assistance (Jacksonville)

REGISTER (Jacksonville) This workshop is designed for those interested in building their nonprofit organizational capacity and sustainability, including executive directors, senior staff, board members, and local government staff working with nonprofits. The presenters will explore several facets of nonprofit capacity, including resources, organizational structure, programmatic, and networking capacity. The training will help participants identify what […]

WEBINAR – Case Management Curriculum: Webinar 5 – A Trauma-Informed Approach

REGISTER Case management has many roles and definitions throughout social service organizations. In this series, we look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness. This webinar provides an introduction to providing trauma-informed care. People experiencing homelessness are not only currently experiencing trauma, they often have significant histories of trauma. Any […]

WEBINAR – Best Practices for Serving on a Housing Nonprofit Board

REGISTER This is the first a two part webinar series beneficial for board members who are less likely to travel to workshops. Nonprofit board member determine their organizations’ mission, and to guide them in achieving it effectively and efficiently. Each board member must manage a wide variety of critical issues related to mission, fiduciary responsibilities, […]

WORKSHOP – Shared Equity Homeownership (North Miami)

REGISTER (North Miami) This workshop will explain shared equity programs, and how incorporating shared equity provisions into SHIP strategies can more effectively expand and preserve the affordable housing stock. We will cover the philosophy, mechanics, and best practices for shared equity programs including how a local government can partner with a community land trust to […]

WEBINAR – Property Managers Series, Part 2: Marketing, Policies, Fair Housing and More

REGISTER This is the last part of a two-webinar series for multifamily property managers. It builds on the first by providing training on special topics, including: Conducting tenant selection on a case by case basis for homeless and special needs households Screening in versus screening out households with special needs, disabilities, and histories of homelessness […]

WEBINAR – Managing Entity Housing Coordinators – Working with CoCs and Housing Navigation

REGISTER  Managing Entities (MEs) have been tasked with providing housing coordination for households within the substance abuse and mental health system identified as having unstable housing. Housing coordination takes place at many levels: systems, provider, and individual. A vital part of the housing coordination process is working with Continuums of Care (CoCs) to ensure housing […]

WEBINAR – Working with Blended Financing/Subsidy Layering

REGISTER Monitoring projects that have several different funding sources can be difficult. Determining which rule takes precedence over another is important to understand when monitoring blended projects. This webinar offers guidance on monitoring projects that have multiple funding sources such as SHIP, HOME and tax credit financing.  It will address which project rules apply when […]

WORKSHOP – The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer (North Miami)

REGISTER (North Miami) This workshop is designed to present the essential characteristics and assets required for a new nonprofit housing developer to enter and succeed in affordable housing development. Participants will learn what resources are needed to navigate the path from concept to completion and ongoing operation of large and small-scale housing projects. Participants will […]

WEBINAR – Case Management Curriculum: Webinar 6 – Working with Difficult Cases

REGISTER Case management has many roles and definitions throughout social service organizations. In this series, we look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness. Difficult cases are a part of the job with case management. This webinar will dive into what makes a case difficult, how to handle exceptionally difficult […]

WORKSHOP – Running a Successful Rehabilitation Program (Jacksonville)

REGISTER (Jacksonville) The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This workshop will walk through the steps involved […]

WORKSHOP – Managing Entities and Continuums of Care (Workshop Series 4) Orlando

Orlando - Invitation Only Housing stability is rapidly becoming a priority for many healthcare providers and organizations. The importance of affordable housing in healthcare cannot be overstated. When people have access to safe, decent affordable housing they have better health outcomes. This workshop brings Managing Entities, Continuums of Care, and Medicaid Managed Care organizations to the […]

WEBINAR – Development Plan Review

REGISTER The webinar will present development underwriting from the perspective of local SHIP administrators. While SHIP funds may make up only a small portion of a development’s overall sources, it is imperative that staff understand how to accurately assess its ability to succeed financially and fulfill SHIP requirements, including expenditure deadlines and ongoing compliance. This […]

WEBINAR – Permanent Supportive Housing Series: Webinar 1 – Developing a Permanent Supportive Housing Project

REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. The first webinar in the series, this webinar will focus on development of PSH by looking at various funding sources, design strategies, and planning elements. Participants will learn what funding sources might work best […]

WEBINAR – Case Management Curriculum: Webinar 7 – Self Care for Human Service Workers

REGISTER Case management has many roles and definitions throughout social service organizations. In this series, we look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness. The final webinar in the series, webinar 7 will look at the vital role self-care plays for any human service worker. Burnout and compassion fatigue are […]

WEBINAR – Joint Ventures Series, Part 1- Options for Partnership

REGISTER Sometimes it is a necessity for a nonprofit developer to find a for-profit development partner.  Some need a partner because of the experience required for Florida Housing applications.  And realistically, some just are not ready to go it alone.  This first part of a two-webinar series explores options for partnership.  A development partner may […]

WORKSHOP – Clean, Green and Solar (Vero Beach)

REGISTER (Vero Beach) This workshop will target rehabilitation administrators, nonprofits and contractors, to help them create opportunities for low- and moderate-income communities to access solar energy and other clean and green systems. Participants will learn how to integrate solar and energy technology, and clean, green practices into existing programs. Participants will learn how to access […]

WEBINAR – Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and SHIP

REGISTER This training will make the connection between assisting homeless households with these two funding sources.  The presenters will offer methods for coordinating services, providing housing stability counseling, and establishing priorities of assistance.

WEBINAR – Joint Ventures Series, Part 2: Showcase of Successful Partnerships

REGISTER The last part of this two-webinar series will focus on what a nonprofit developer can expect from a partnership.  It will feature partnerships that illustrate key topics about how to assign the work, and ways to divide the fee.  Presenters with discuss risks involved with partnerships.

WEBINAR – Permanent Supportive Housing Series: Webinar 2 – PSH Property Management and Operations

REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a cost-effective housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. The second webinar in the series, this webinar will focus on what property management and operations look like for PSH properties. Participants will gain insight into tenant selection, lease enforcement, and management operations.

WEBINAR- Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and SHIP

REGISTER This training will make the connection between assisting homeless households with these two funding sources. The presenters will offer methods for coordinating services, providing housing stability counseling, and establishing priorities of assistance.

WEBINAR – Submitting a Successful Application for Florida Housing’s RFA

REGISTER In recent years, Florida Housing Finance Corporation has issued requests for applications (RFAs) to provide tax credits for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. However, these RFAs have been undersubscribed. This webinar, designed with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program staff, will focus on these and other RFAs that receive relatively few […]

WEBINAR – Permanent Supportive Housing Series: Webinar 3 – PSH Support Services

REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a cost-effective housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. Support services are critical to the success of PSH. Support services are rarely one size fits all and should be tailored to the individual household’s needs. Learn how to provide support services that […]

WORKSHOP: Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. One of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical eligibility activities, including income verification, determining household size, and calculation of […]

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP

REGISTER Florida must be prepared for hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes and more. Every hurricane season has the potential to be a destructive one—this is incentive enough to plan for disaster. This webinar will include presenters who will detail new construction and rehabilitation features that strengthen a home against damage from futures disasters. Participants will learn […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Rent Limits Policy

REGISTER Using SHIP for rental housing has always come with several rules and requirements. Some have recently changed. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s most recent guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction […]

WEBINAR- Incentives to Encourage the Private Sector to Build Affordable Housing in the Community

REGISTER Affordable housing development creates many private sector benefits. Among other things, it attracts businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates the local economy. Affordable housing development is also profitable to private developers. This webinar will explore the many incentives and benefits that affordable housing development brings to the private sector.

WORKSHOP- Successful Disaster Recovery

REGISTER Housing providers should be aware of the external disaster planning process and understand their role in supporting the process by participating and providing information necessary to prevent the loss of life and property in the event of a disaster. This workshop describes the leadership and coordinator responsibilities of public-sector housing providers as they interact […]

WEBINAR- Involving Realtors and Lenders in Purchase Assistance

REGISTER This webinar provides an introduction for using SHIP to provide homebuyer assistance. It will help assist Realtors, mortgage brokers and seller’s agents understand the SHIP program, understand the LHAP development process, access LHAP’s for SHIP communities across Florida and understand the differences between bank underwriting and buyer qualifications under the SHIP program. Learn how […]

WORKSHOP- Rental Housing Preservation

REGISTER Even while there is a need for thousands of new rental units, several thousand affordable housing rental units are at risk of being lost as affordability periods expire, with a very acute need for rentals affordable to very-low and extremely-low income households. Preservation is crucial to meeting the need for affordable rental housing. This […]

WORKSHOP- LHAP Preparation and Strategy Design

REGISTER This workshop addresses the fundamentals of implementing the LHAP as required by SHIP. The training is strongly recommended for staff with LHAPs due in 2019. It focuses on requirements for completing the plan and assessing what improvements will benefit a local government’s housing strategies. The guidance from this workshop will help SHIP administrators adjust, […]

WEBINAR- Income Certification for SHIP Applicants

REGISTER This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It is designed for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. The training will cover the process from application intake through approval, file management and compliance. The presenter will address critical eligibility activities, including […]

WEBINAR- Working with Blended Financing/Subsidy Layering

REGISTER Determining which rule takes precedence over another is important to understand when monitoring blended projects. This webinar offers guidance on monitoring projects that have multiple funding sources such as SHIP, HOME and tax credit financing. It will address which project rules apply when there are multiple funding sources and considerations when reviewing rents, utility […]

WEBINAR- Effective Written Agreements

REGISTER Written agreements (interlocal, sub recipient, owner, contractor, sponsor, developer, etc.) serve as the legally binding contract between two parties. The terms, conditions, affordability period, roles, responsibilities and enforcement mechanism and conditions for repayment must be included in the agreement for it to be enforceable. In the event of non-compliance, the agreement serves to protect […]

WEBINAR- Monitoring SHIP-Assisted Rental Housing

REGISTER Learn what SHIP requires when building or repairing rental housing. Ongoing monitoring of assisted rental units is the main SHIP responsibility addressed in this webinar. Learn about what is involved, since SHIP commitment is significant—annual monitoring for a minimum of 15 years for all SHIP-assisted rental housing. The presenters will discuss rental developments—including those […]

WORKSHOP- LHAP Preparation and Strategy Design

REGISTER This workshop addresses the fundamentals of implementing the LHAP as required by SHIP. The training is strongly recommended for staff with LHAPs due in 2019. It focuses on requirements for completing the plan and assessing what improvements will benefit a local government’s housing  strategies. The guidance from this workshop will help SHIP administrators adjust, […]

WEBINAR- Working with Nonprofits, Sponsors and Subrecipients

REGISTER Several SHIP communities outsource implementation of one or more of their strategies. Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors and sub recipients and hear firsthand from the staff of groups that provide SHIP services. The presenters will highlight key examples of how SHIP work is effectively outsourced, addressing details of LHAP selection […]

WEBINAR- Florida Housing’s Special Needs RFAs: An Introduction for Local Governments

REGISTER Florida Housing Finance Corporation issues requests for applications (RFAs) to provide funding for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. Some of these RFAs have been undersubscribed. This webinar, designed from the perspective of local government and with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program staff, will focus on these and other RFAs that […]

WEBINAR- LHAP Strategy Design and Amendments

REGISTER This webinar provides guidance on new strategies and amendments and the considerations of what should be included when updating or changing the LHAP. Learn about new LHAP requirements and hear details about the latest plan updates and amendments that Florida Housing’s review committee has accepted…or sent back for more work. Review the essential sections […]

WORKSHOP- Affordable Housing Funding Sources

REGISTER This workshop is an introduction to federal and state affordable housing funding sources, including the State Housing Initiative Housing Partnership (SHIP), State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), HUD Continuum of Care (CoC), and Low-Income […]

WEBINAR- Florida Housing’s Special Needs RFAs: An Introduction for Nonprofit Developers

REGISTER Florida Housing Finance Corporation issues requests for applications (RFAs) to provide funding for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. These RFAs which are generally for nonprofit applicants only are often undersubscribed. Similar to the webinar on this topic for local governments, this webinar is designed with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program […]

WEBINAR- Building Capacity to Build: The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer

REGISTER This webinar is designed for nonprofits seeking to do development or expand their housing mission. It focuses on professional development for nonprofit board members, executive leadership to improve nonprofit operational capacity for affordable housing development. During this webinar, presenters will discuss areas of organizational self-assessment to focus on while considering adding or expanding affordable […]

WEBINAR- Assisting Very Low-Income Homebuyers

REGISTER Very low-income households create challenges when applying for assistance as homebuyers. Many have no credit, poor credit, are cash poor and lack the knowledge needed to understand the homeownership process. The training will address leveraging and layering resources to make the purchase affordable, and how to partner with non-profit organizations—including Habitat for Humanity—to serve […]

WORKSHOP_ Building Capacity: The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer

REGISTER This workshop is a continuation of the webinar Building Capacity to Build: The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer. Over the course of this workshop, participants will complete an organizational self-assessment with guidance from the presenters, to determine their capacity for adding or expanding new lines of affordable housing business. The audience for this workshop […]

WEBINAR- Property Manager Series, Part 1- Tenant Selection, Screening In vs Screening Out, Selection Criteria, Access for Special Needs Applicants

REGISTER This is the first part of a two-part webinar for multifamily property managers. Presenters will offer guidance to ensure that marketing, tenant screening, and property management policies and procedures comply with fair housing requirements. Participants will consider plans and actions that take meaningful steps to promoting fair housing choice and fostering inclusive communities.

WORKSHOP- Preparing for SHIP Monitoring

REGISTER Have you received notice that a Florida Housing Finance Corporation Monitor will soon conduct a compliance review of your SHIP program? Don’t get nervous—get prepared. This workshop will report results from an analysis of recent monitoring reports to help you prepare. Learn about the program details that SHIP monitors focus their attention on during […]

WEBINAR- Local Government’s Role in Opportunity Zones

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a live webinar on local government’s role in Opportunity Zones (OZ) on February 20, 2019, from 2pm to 3pm. Sponsored by PNC, this webinar serves as a deep dive into key topics for local government staff, particularly those involved with planning and housing and economic development, as they […]

WEBINAR- Property Manager Series, Part 2: Marketing, Policies, Fair Housing and More

REGISTER This is the second part of a two-part webinar for multifamily property managers. It builds on the first by providing training on special topics, including conducting tenant selection on a case by case basis for homeless and special needs households. Presenters will address screening in versus screening out households with special needs, disabilities, and […]

WEBINAR- Preparing for a SHIP Monitoring Visit

REGISTER This webinar details the process and items that SHIP monitors focus their attention on during their review of a SHIP jurisdiction. This will help local governments be prepared for and achieve the best outcome from the next monitoring visit. Get prepared by reviewing an analysis of recent monitoring reports. The training will outline SHIP […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Incentive Strategies and the AHAC

REGISTER The Governor’s recent budget recommendations and other vocal legislative support related to affordable housing are encouraging.  We hope the SHIP program is fully funded in the upcoming legislative session.  Consider if your community’s SHIP allocation might surpass $350,000 this year.  If it does, you must complete an AHAC report before receiving funds. An AHAC […]

WEBINAR- Fair Housing Planning for 2019

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition is hosting a webinar, Fair Housing Planning for 2019, on March 6 2019, from 2pm to 3pm. Designed for fair housing advocates and local government staff responsible for administration of HUD grant funds, this webinar updates participants on the latest requirements for fair housing planning. In the wake of HUD’s […]

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