• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- New Construction Strategies and Partnerships

REGISTER This webinar is designed to guide SHIP administrators as they explore opportunities for local governments to develop single family homes while working with developers and sponsors. Designing a strategy in your Local Housing Assistance Plan that meets the SHIP requirements is an important first step in this process. Learn how to solicit sponsors and […]

WEBINAR- SHIP File Documentation- Part 1

REGISTER A key element for SHIP program compliance requires that local governments retain proper file documentation when it comes to administrative responsibilities such as advertising, managing waiting lists, as well as maintaining proper documentation related to processing applications and providing assistance. This webinar will focus on the use of a checklist to assist in file […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WEBINAR- SHIP File Documentation- Part 2

REGISTER This second session of a two-part webinar series focuses on properly documenting SHIP tracking of program hard and soft cost, documenting expenditures, best practices for reconciliation of program expenditures with the finance department, documenting and tracking compliance with the SHIP program set aside requirements using the new SHIP tracking spreadsheet. The presenters will also […]

WORKSHOP- Housing Funding Training for Finance Department Staff (Vero Beach)

REGISTER This is a new type of training designed for Finance Department Staff to address topics related to housing programs.  It will help city and county finance department staff work successfully with SHIP, HOME and CDBG staff.  The presenters will highlight several best practices for financial management.  They will offer guidance to ensure compliance with SHIP tracking and […]

WEBINAR- Financing and Monitoring Rental Housing with SHIP

REGISTER This webinar provides an introduction to the principles behind developing and financing affordable rental housing utilizing SHIP, including the challenges and opportunities of both new construction and rehabilitation. The presenters will provide an overview of tax credit deals from a SHIP perspective in order to help participants understand the local government role in funding […]

WEBINAR- The Credit Underwriting Process for Affordable Housing

REGISTER Underwriting takes place after a funding award has been approved. The invitation to credit underwriting is a vital first step to prepare for--long before applying for financing. It is a complex and critical part of financial agreements that will govern the short and long term of the development’s feasibility. The presenters will help de-mystify […]

WORKSHOP- Shared Equity and Permanent Affordability (Sarasota)

REGISTER This workshop will explain shared equity programs, and how incorporating shared equity provisions into SHIP strategies can more effectively expand and preserve the affordable housing stock. We will cover the philosophy, mechanics, and best practices for shared equity programs with emphasis on permanent affordability using community land trusts. Presenters will address key topics such […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- Inclusionary Zoning & HB 7103- Part 2

REGISTER Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) is a local land use planning tool that requires a housing developer under certain circumstances to include a percentage of affordable housing units within a market-rate development. Under new state law, local governments are now required to provide incentives to “fully offset all costs” to the developer as a result of […]

WEBINAR- Creating a Paperless SHIP Program

REGISTER Many local governments in Florida who receive SHIP funding are moving towards paperless files in which client files, verification and information are retained electronically. Florida Housing Finance Corporation supports paperless files but also requires compliance with State regulations regarding proper file documentation and retention. This webinar will feature information on the Neighborly software as […]

WEBINAR- Disaster Housing Recovery

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Don’t forget: you can subscribe to our calendar and have access to the complete listing of Coalition events from the convenience of your personal Outlook, Google, or other calendar software. Click “Subscribe to Calendar” button to stay informed.