• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- Working with Blended Financing/Subsidy Layering

The webinar offers useful guidance to help determine which rule takes precedence over another when monitoring blended projects. This webinar offers guidance on monitoring projects that have multiple funding sources such as SHIP, HOME and tax credit financing. It will address which project rules apply when there are multiple funding sources and considerations when reviewing […]

WEBINAR- Survive and Thrive as a Nonprofit

This webinar is designed to help nonprofits build organizational capacity, which in turn supports resource development. This training will help those interested in building nonprofit organizational capacity and resiliency, such as nonprofit CEOs or executive directors, senior staff, board members, funders, and local government staff working with nonprofits. Presenters will help participants identify factors that […]

WEBINAR- Working with Sponsors and Subrecipients

This webinar will offer guidance on how to outsource implementation of one or more SHIP strategies to nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors and subrecipients and hear firsthand from the SHIP staff and/or sponsors and subrecipients that provide SHIP services. The presenters will highlight key examples of how […]

WEBINAR- Surplus Land and Shared Equity

This training was formerly titled ‘Shared Equity'. Surplus land is a key resource for local governments in the production of workforce and affordable housing affordability. The Live Local Act provides new requirements and guidance on best practices for how local governments manage the disposition of land, including encouraging the utilization of land (99-yr) leases as […]

WEBINAR- Guidance on the Second HHRP Allocation

Please join us for a webinar providing guidance about the second HHRP Allocation, scheduled for Thursday, April 27 from 2pm to 3:30pm.  This webinar on housing recovery following Hurricanes Ian and Nicole will address the disbursement of $40 million from the Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP).  Topics will include: Get ideas for your second HHRP […]

WEBINAR- New SHIP Staff Orientation

This webinar will assist new SHIP staff in understanding the program rules that govern the administration of assistance strategies, as well as the timeline and targets tied to program administration, the LHAP, annual report and program compliance. SHIP staff with 5 years or less of experience may benefit from this training, which will address deadlines […]

WEBINAR- Overview of Live Local Act

On March 29, 2023, Governor DeSantis signed the Live Local Act (SB 102) into law. The Live Local Act, which is the 2023 Legislative Session's omnibus housing bill, contains a number of policies aimed at producing more affordable homes in Florida. This webinar will be the first in a series of trainings designed to help […]

WEBINAR- Finance Department Staff Training

This is a training designed for Finance Department Staff to address topics related to state and federal housing programs. It will help city and county finance department staff work successfully with SHIP. The presenters will highlight several best practices for financial management. They will offer guidance to ensure compliance with SHIP tracking and annual reporting […]

WEBINAR- Tracking SHIP Activity Throughout the Year

This training focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules. The presenters will discuss a timeline that will help you keep up with the expenditure and encumbrance deadlines. Participants will learn the details of complying with the income, homeownership, construction, special […]

WEBINAR- New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications

New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications May 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3290624321796206350 This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff for changes to the annual report that require them to report application information on the SHIP annual report. Presenters will address how to track and report applications. Learn best practices for maintaining a […]

WEBINAR- Dissecting the Land Use and Property Tax Incentives in the Live Local Act

This training was formerly titled ‘Planning and Zoning’.  The Live Local Act (SB 102/HB 627) is a major piece of housing legislation that addresses a variety of policy initiatives to increase the supply of affordable housing in Florida. This webinar will specifically explore the Act's land use and property tax policies and what they mean […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Program Administration

This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and AHAC requirements. The guidance from this training will […]

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