View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description.
REGISTER This training will make the connection between assisting homeless households with these two funding sources. The presenters will offer methods for coordinating services, providing housing stability counseling, and establishing priorities of assistance.
REGISTER The last part of this two-webinar series will focus on what a nonprofit developer can expect from a partnership. It will feature partnerships that illustrate key topics about how to assign the work, and ways to divide the fee. Presenters with discuss risks involved with partnerships.
REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a cost-effective housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. The second webinar in the series, this webinar will focus on what property management and operations look like for PSH properties. Participants will gain insight into tenant selection, lease enforcement, and management operations.
REGISTER This training will make the connection between assisting homeless households with these two funding sources. The presenters will offer methods for coordinating services, providing housing stability counseling, and establishing priorities of assistance.
REGISTER In recent years, Florida Housing Finance Corporation has issued requests for applications (RFAs) to provide tax credits for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. However, these RFAs have been undersubscribed. This webinar, designed with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program staff, will focus on these and other RFAs that receive relatively few […]
REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a cost-effective housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. Support services are critical to the success of PSH. Support services are rarely one size fits all and should be tailored to the individual household’s needs. Learn how to provide support services that […]
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