• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR – Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)- Part #1: HOME Rules and Regulations

REGISTER This is the first part of a two-webinar series about obtaining the CHDO Designation.  It addresses the benefits of becoming this type of nonprofit organization, as well as the requirements for maintaining that status.  This introductory webinar will help CHDO staff navigate their way to success in a changing environment that is placing increasing […]

WEBINAR – Coordinated Entry Series: Webinar 1 – Introduction to Coordinated Entry

REGISTER Every Continuum of Care must establish or update its coordinated entry process in accordance with HUD requirements by January 23, 2018. This webinar will provide an overview of the requirements of the coordinated entry process. Learn about the four elements vital to coordinated entry: Access, Assessment, Prioritization, and Referral. Participants will understand the qualities […]

WEBINAR – Rehabilitation Series: Roles and Responsibilities

REGISTER This training addresses the roles and responsibilities of the key participants in the rehabilitation process, including the contractor, homeowner, SHIP administrator, and third-party sub recipient. The webinar presents information about “who is responsible for what” to achieve success.

WORKSHOP – Assessment of Fair Housing (Winter Park)

REGISTER (Winter Park) The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule and Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) tool provide an effective planning approach to help jurisdictions take meaningful steps to promote fair housing choice, overcome historic patterns of segregation, and foster inclusive communities. Participants will learn who is responsible for what under the new rules. The presenters […]

WEBINAR – Income Certification for SHIP Applicants

REGISTER This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants.  It is designed for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  The training will cover the process from application intake through approval, file management and compliance.  The presenter will address critical eligibility activities, including […]

WEBINAR – Alternative Approaches to Affordable Housing Development

REGISTER This training explores Shared Equity Models, Linkage Fees, Inclusionary Zoning Ordinances, and other localized approaches to producing and preserving affordable housing. For example, a community land trust (CLT) is a form of shared equity that maintains ownership of underlying land through a ground lease which also sets resale pricing to protect the affordability of […]

WORKSHOP – LHAP Preparation and Strategy Design (Tampa)

REGISTER (Tampa) This workshop addresses the fundamentals of implementing the LHAP as required by SHIP. The training is strongly recommended for staff with LHAPs due in 2017. It focuses on requirements for completing the plan and assessing what improvements will benefit a local government’s housing strategies. The guidance from this workshop will help SHIP administrators […]

WEBINAR – Coordinated Entry Series: Webinar 2 – Assessments, Referrals and Data

REGISTER Every Continuum of Care must establish or update its coordinated entry process in accordance with HUD requirements by January 23, 2018. This webinar is part 2 in a 3-part series discussing coordinated entry. Participants will learn how to utilize HMIS and standardized assessments to assess, prioritize, and refer households to appropriate housing options. We […]

WEBINAR – Rehabilitation Series, Part 2: Contractor Selection and Evaluation

REGISTER In this training, participants will learn how to work with contractors and homeowners to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. Participants will learn methods for removing non-performing contractors, and retaining those who produce timely results.

WEBINAR – FHFC Homeless and Special Needs RFA

REGISTER Interested in increasing affordable housing in your community? Each year the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) issues RFAs for nonprofits, local governments, and communities to expand their affordable housing supply. This webinar will highlight funding opportunities through the FHFC for communities looking to build more affordable housing for households experiencing homelessness and/or with special […]

WORKSHOP – Affordable Housing Funding Sources (Melbourne)

REGISTER (Melbourne) This workshop provides an overview of funding, including the State Housing Initiative Housing Partnership (SHIP), State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), HUD Continuum of Care (CoC), Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Hardest Hit […]

WEBINAR – Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP

REGISTER Florida must be prepared for hurricanes, fires, floods, tornados and more.  Every hurricane season has the potential to be a destructive one—this is incentive enough to plan ahead.  This webinar will be presented in coordination with staff from the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DEM), who will detail new construction and rehabilitation features that […]

WORKSHOP – Coordinated Entry (Workshop Series 1) Jacksonville

Jacksonville - REGISTER HERE Coordinated Entry is a coordinated, streamlined process to assist people experiencing a housing crisis return to permanent housing appropriate to their needs. Coordinated Entry provides an opportunity for communities to clearly understand how a household in their community can access permanent housing. This workshop provides details of HUD’s requirements and recommendations for Continuums […]

WEBINAR – Coordinated Entry Series: Webinar 3 – How are we doing in Florida? Community Examples

REGISTER Every Continuum of Care must establish or update its coordinated entry process in accordance with HUD requirements by January 23, 2018. The last webinar in a 3-part series, this webinar will focus on communities in Florida that have already implemented Coordinated Entry. Local continuums of care and their partners will describe how they implemented […]

WEBINAR – Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), Part #2: Predevelopment, Underwriting Activities and More

REGISTER This is the final part of a two-webinar series about obtaining the CHDO Designation that addresses the benefits of becoming this type of nonprofit organization. Webinar #2 will address details of CHDO activities during predevelopment and underwriting. The presenters will discuss pitfalls to avoid with subsidy layering. Participants will learn what developing strategies to […]

WEBINAR – Rehabilitation Series, Part 3: Initiating Rehabilitation Assistance

REGISTER Before your organization begins the rehabilitation process you must have policies and procedures that identify the steps involved in the rehabilitation process. During this webinar, we will discuss the procurement process, the bidding process, the pre-bid meeting, contract award, signing agreements and supervision of the project during the bid process.  Come hear about best […]

WEBINAR – Best Practices for Implementing a SHIP Rapid Rehousing Strategy

REGISTER The Florida Legislature has codified that SHIP jurisdictions may provide up to a year of rent subsidies for very low income applicants who are homeless and/or special needs households.  Participants will hear from SHIP jurisdictions that have implemented a rapid rehousing SHIP strategy in coordination with their Continuum of Care agencies and other community […]

WEBINAR – Special Needs Assistance with SHIP Funds

REGISTER This webinar will help housing administrators develop strategies to expend the required 20 percent of the SHIP allocation to serve persons with special needs. This training will review documentation and reporting requirements related to each type of applicant with special needs as defined in s. 420.0004 of the Florida Statutes.  The presenters will highlight […]

WORKSHOP – Coordinated Entry (Workshop Series 1) Tampa

Tampa - REGISTER HERE Coordinated Entry is a coordinated, streamlined process to assist people experiencing a housing crisis return to permanent housing appropriate to their needs. Coordinated Entry provides an opportunity for communities to clearly understand how a household in their community can access permanent housing. This workshop provides details of HUD’s requirements and recommendations for Continuums […]

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