• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

Using SHIP for Manufactured Housing

This training will address the possibilities unfolding with manufactured housing and how it may be compatible with affordable housing funding programs and policies. Learn about SHIP requirements for working on […]

Unlocking Disaster Data: Introducing Disaster Resource Dashboards

Disasters strike fast—effective recovery requires equally swift, data-driven decisions. Join the Florida Housing Coalition for an exclusive introduction to our new Statewide Disaster Housing Dashboards, an innovative online tool designed […]

Preparing your Housing Program for Hurricane Season

Effectively moving survivors into post-disaster housing is a critical step toward long-term recovery. However, many jurisdictions do not have disaster housing plans that can cope with the scale of disasters. […]

Overcoming NIMBY Opposition

Not In My Backyard Syndrome (NIMBYism), in the context of affordable housing, connotes objections to new housing development made for reasons such as fear and prejudice. Even with the extreme […]

WORKSHOP: The Affordable Housing Development Process

LOCATION: Holden Heights Community Center 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805 This workshop is designed to introduce the underwriting process that takes place after a funding award has been approved.  […]

Understanding the new LLA SAIL RFA

With $250 million in LLA SAIL money, this webinar will review the different RFAs which will disburse the money. The presenters will discuss projects being funded. They will delve into […]

Missing Middle Housing Policy

Properly structured land use policies, development regulations, and additional programs are key to support development of “missing middle” housing, small-scale development projects typically with fifty units or fewer serving households […]

Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

In this webinar, presenters will share best practices in strategic planning for nonprofits, with a focus on how housing development fits into their missions and visions. The presenters will address […]

Working with Nonprofits, Sponsors and Sub Recipients

This webinar will offer guidance on how to outsource implementation of one or more SHIP strategies to nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors […]

LLA Funding Programs at FHFC

This training will delve into how the SAIL-like programs created and funded by the Live Local Act are administered by FHFC. Presenters will cover programmatic timelines, the RFA process, and […]

Preparing for Deadlines and Annual Reports

This webinar focuses on the upfront work needed to ensure that SHIP funds are expended in a manner that fully complies with SHIP rules.  SHIP staff must track many things—this […]

WORKSHOP: Proficiency in Income Qualification

Location: Charlotte Burrie Community Center 2669 N Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, FL 33064 This is an intensive income compliance workshop designed for those who process SHIP applications and those who […]

Property Tax Policy for Affordable Housing

Property tax policy can have a major impact on housing affordability. Whether you are looking at project feasibility for an affordable multifamily rental project, the monthly mortgage payment for a […]

Survive and Thrive as a Nonprofit

This training will help those interested in building nonprofit organizational capacity and resiliency, such as nonprofit CEOs or executive directors, senior staff, board members, funders, and local government staff working […]

Heirs’ Property

The prevalence of heirs' property as a housing equity issue has been a key issue on policymakers' radar in recent years. Heirs' property, a term used to describe property that […]

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