• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- Creating an Annual Schedule for AHAC Reports

This webinar is designed to address how to continue work with the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC). Presenters will offer training to communities that have all recently produced reports. They will offer suggestions for ongoing committee work, including concentrating on a handful of incentives, and considering topics beyond incentive strategies. Speakers for this webinar include: […]

WEBINAR- Financing and Supporting Rental Housing Development

This is part 1 of a development webinar series. It will discuss the roles of both small-scale and large-scale developments in meeting rental housing needs, and how each are financed. Presenters will discuss developer profiles associated with each type of development, funding sources and scenarios, and how local governments can use SHIP, SLFRF and other […]

WEBINAR- Post-Disaster Emergency Housing

This webinar is focused on planning for post disaster emergency housing since hurricane season is not the time to start plans. Once a hurricane has damaged and destroyed homes, there may be hundreds of homes needed for survivors for temporary housing and for long term recovery.   Pre-covery is the concept of preparing for disaster by […]

WEBINAR- AHAC Orientation: Part 1

This webinar is designed to offer a primer for new members to orient them to AHAC responsibilities.  Presenters will discuss the benefits of housing incentives and review five incentive strategies listed in the SHIP statute: expedited permitting, fee waivers for affordable housing, reduction of parking and setback requirements, flexibility in density, and flexible lot configurations.  […]

Annual Affordable Housing Conference-2022

The Florida Housing Coalition's 2022 Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference is SOLD OUT! As the premier housing event in Florida, the Florida Housing Coalition Conference attracts more than 900 affordable housing professionals, advocates, lenders, developers, administrators, and policy makers. We look forward to seeing newcomers and affordable housing veterans engage in thought-provoking exchange of new […]

WEBINAR- AHAC Orientation: Part 1

This webinar is designed to offer a primer for new members to orient them to AHAC responsibilities.  Presenters will discuss the benefits of housing incentives and review five incentive strategies listed in the SHIP statute: expedited permitting, fee waivers for affordable housing, reduction of parking and setback requirements, flexibility in density, and flexible lot configurations.  […]

WEBINAR – Housing Best Practices with COVID Relief Funds

This is a continuation of the May webinar (attended by 291 participants) to stress how Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) may be used for affordable housing. This training will also discuss how local governments can use HOME-ARP funds for tenant-based rental assistance, development of affordable housing, and supportive services. The training will […]

WEBINAR – Local Government Areas of Opportunity and Local Government Contributions (Part 2 Development Series)

This webinar will provide detailed descriptions of both Local Government Areas of Opportunity and Local Government Contributions to provide an understanding of the differences between each, and how they are applied within FHFC’s RFA process. Presenters will also walk through how to calculate each and provide examples of how local governments can use their resources […]

WEBINAR – AHAC Orientation (Part 2)

Presenters will discuss the deliberations needed to produce an annual report on housing incentive strategies. They will continue with the training offered in the first segment of this series by offering Florida-based examples for the seven remaining incentive strategies listed in the SHIP statute. REGISTRATION

WEBINAR – The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process (Part 1)

This is a two-part webinar series that introduces the rehabilitation process. This requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This […]

WORKSHOP – Affordable Housing Funding Sources

This training offers an introduction to the abundance of funding sources for affordable housing programs. It will provide an overview of the most widely available affordable housing funding sources. Local, state, and federal programs will be discussed such as Emergency Solutions Grant, Continuum of Care Program, State Housing Initiatives Program, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Community […]

WEBINAR – The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process Part 2

This is the final session of a two-part webinar series that introduces the rehabilitation process. The presenters will address weaknesses in rehabilitation programs and best practices to improve your program. The webinar will focus on contractor selection and removal, scope of work, the bidding process, contract terms and award, inspections, and payments, guarantees and warranties, […]

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