WEBINAR- Proficiency in Income Qualification: Part 1
REGISTER This is the first of a three-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP Rule […]
View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description.
REGISTER This is the first of a three-part training focused on resources available for SHIP administration in determining income. It covers the process of advertising based on the SHIP Rule […]
REGISTER A majority of SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership […]
REGISTER This webinar will focus on the central activity of verification. First, presenters will address income verification and will offer several examples of third-party verification. Next, participants will learn about […]
REGISTER This is the final session of a three-part training. This webinar will offer examples of calculating asset income and completing the income certification form. Presenters will address what to […]
In the first session, participants will receive a broad overview of SAIL including the program rule, how to apply for funding, the types of projects that are eligible for SAIL […]
REGISTER This will help SHIP administrators explore opportunities to encourage the development of single-family homes while working with developers and sponsors. Designing a strategy in your Local Housing Assistance Plan […]
In the second webinar of this 3-part training, presenters will explain how the program works in conjunction with bonds and other funding and within the framework of developing or rehabilitating […]
REGISTER This is the beginning of a two-part series designed for nonprofit housing developers, construction management staff, planning staff, and housing program administrators. Predevelopment is one of the most important […]
The third and final SAIL workshop will include a showcase of successful projects exhibiting the wide range of housing types possible with the program including farmworker-fisher worker housing, housing for […]
REGISTER Presenters will cover construction/design, zoning and land uses, budgeting, and the timeframe of the predevelopment process. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Predevelopment Loan Program requirements as the […]
All 67 counties and 77 cities in Florida received direct funding through the American Rescue Plan's Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program. This program provides a once-in-a-generation […]
REGISTER Identify community partners with expertise, including Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) with repair funds that may be leveraged with SHIP. Ensuring that a community’s affordable housing stock remains safe and […]
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