• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 2)

This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the resident income certification form, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income.

WEBINAR: Designing Your Housing RFP Process for Quality Responses

Local government housing administrators and procurement staff frequently find it necessary to undergo a Request for Proposal process when multiple developments compete for local funding, land donations and regulation concessions. This webinar delivers a concise framework that local governments can adopt to ensure that local housing needs and expectations are met, the process is fair, […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for Increased Ship Funding

This webinar addresses increased SHIP allocations. The presenters will help local government staff consider how to schedule and complete assistance in a timely manner and create project timelines. Also learn about additional LHAP strategies that you may add to benefit your community. Presenters will explain the length of time it will take to create, market, […]

WEBINAR: The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. The presenters will address weaknesses in rehab programs and best […]

WEBINAR: HHRP for Hurricane Ian and Nicole Recovery

This webinar will offer continued support to the cities and counties receiving HHRP assistance. The presenters will provide guidance on expediting HHRP expenditure, committing second HHRP Allocation dollars, and learning about additional disaster resources. Training topics will be informed by a survey of HHRP communities.

WEBINAR: Resilient By Design: Creating Disaster Resistant Single Family and Multi-Family Housing Stock

This webinar includes proven examples from architects and engineers on sustainable and resilient solutions. Learn about resiliency in affordable multifamily residential design, which incorporates advanced stormwater infrastructure and building mitigation strategies to proactively reduce the impacts from increased heat, extreme rain, and better protect residents. Also learn about programs to enhance low-income single family home […]

WEBINAR: Right Sizing Your Local Government Contribution

This training will address subsidy layering on multi-family and single-family development. Local governments and developers alike are analyzing what public funding is needed to create affordability for the tenant. Understanding how to evaluate sources and uses to ensure that the financing to fill the gap or bring down the total development cost is not oversubscribed […]

WEBINAR: Finding and Retaining Rehabilitation Contractors

Presenters will provide guidance for finding contractors for blue sky repairs as well as after a disaster. Learn how to overcome difficulties getting an insurance estimate when starting a job. The training will also address alternatives like involving manufactured housing built elsewhere.

WEBINAR: Surplus Land and Permanent Affordability

Surplus land is a key resource for local governments in the production of workforce and affordable housing affordability. The Live Local Act provides new requirements and guidance on best practices for how local governments manage the disposition of land, including encouraging the utilization of land (99-yr) leases as well as new property tax exemptions for […]

WEBINAR: Low Barrier Housing (Conference Session Reschedule)

Join us on October 16 at 11:00 AM for a FREE Lunch-And-Learn Webinar "Low Barrier Housing." This session was originally scheduled as part of our 2023 Annual Conference, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Idalia. Session Description Many solutions are needed to increase housing opportunities for people that have difficulties qualifying to rent a home. […]

WEBINAR: The Pre-Development Process (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar provides guidance to nonprofit organizations on predevelopment activities and due diligence necessary prior to the development of affordable housing units. The Coalition is the contracted Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) for FHFC’s Predevelopment Loan Program (PLP), providing hands-on TA on roughly 40 PLP loans. Learn about the PLP application process, PLP program guidance from […]

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