• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications

New Annual Reporting of SHIP Applications May 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3290624321796206350 This webinar is designed to prepare SHIP staff for changes to the annual report that require them to report application information on the SHIP annual report. Presenters will address how to track and report applications. Learn best practices for maintaining a […]

WEBINAR- Dissecting the Land Use and Property Tax Incentives in the Live Local Act

This training was formerly titled ‘Planning and Zoning’.  The Live Local Act (SB 102/HB 627) is a major piece of housing legislation that addresses a variety of policy initiatives to increase the supply of affordable housing in Florida. This webinar will specifically explore the Act's land use and property tax policies and what they mean […]

WORKSHOP- SHIP Program Administration

This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, as well as assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, income eligibility review, LHAP guidance, and AHAC requirements. The guidance from this training will […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Rent Limits Policy

This training will introduce staff to using SHIP for rental housing, which come with several rules and requirements. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction prevention assistance […]

WEBINAR – Preparing and Submitting the SHIP Annual Report

Presenters will provide guidance on how to complete each tab of the report along with instructions on how to obtain data needed for the certification, questions on foreclosure default, success stories and more.  Learn about the procedures for submitting a 20/21 report if you have a little or a lot of SHIP expenditures… or zero […]

WEBINAR: Hurricane Preparedness & Elderly Resilience: Supporting Outreach and Coordination

Join us on July 14 at 1:30 p.m. for a special webinar on hurricane disaster impacts and risks to older adults in our communities. FHC Technical Advisor Dayna Lazarus will provide highlights from a report from the Disaster Housing Task Force on risks and challenges faced by older adults. The report includes recommendations for improving […]

WEBINAR – Getting Rapid Rehousing Right

This webinar provides an overview of what makes a successful Rapid Re-Housing program no matter what funding source the program is using. This goes beyond the funding piece and looks at housing navigation, financial assistance, and support services. Funding sources such as federal block and formula grants, state grants, SHIP, and local funding will be […]

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 1)

Presenters will cover the process of advertising based on the SHIP statute and rule as well as your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish household size.

WEBINAR – Proficiency in Income Qualifications (Part 2)

This webinar will focus on calculating asset and asset income, completing the resident income certification form, complying with the 120-day clock, the award letter, and monitoring and compliance. The training will also address critical eligibility activities, including asset calculation and asset exclusions. Participants will learn how to compute anticipated annual household income.

WEBINAR: Designing Your Housing RFP Process for Quality Responses

Local government housing administrators and procurement staff frequently find it necessary to undergo a Request for Proposal process when multiple developments compete for local funding, land donations and regulation concessions. This webinar delivers a concise framework that local governments can adopt to ensure that local housing needs and expectations are met, the process is fair, […]

WEBINAR: Preparing for Increased Ship Funding

This webinar addresses increased SHIP allocations. The presenters will help local government staff consider how to schedule and complete assistance in a timely manner and create project timelines. Also learn about additional LHAP strategies that you may add to benefit your community. Presenters will explain the length of time it will take to create, market, […]

WEBINAR: The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff to work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. The presenters will address weaknesses in rehab programs and best […]

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