• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR: Exploring Housing Needs assessments and Market Analysis (New Developers Training Track)

This webinar will open your eyes to existing local plans that include comprehensive housing needs assessments and market analyses.  Reduce duplication of efforts by exploring how select local planning documents intersect and can be used to better align project outcomes with community needs.  Learn about plan elements that can contribute to analyzing the market during […]

WEBINAR: Expedited Permitting and Innovative Solutions for Housing

The SHIP statute requires SHIP jurisdictions to expedite the permitting of affordable housing developments to a greater degree than other projects. Additionally, the Live Local Act newly requires all local governments to post their policies and procedures online for the expedited processing of building permits and development orders required by law to be expedited. The […]

WEBINAR: Serving People with the Lowest Incomes through the Live Local Act

This training will explore how the tools in the Live Local Act can serve very-low and extremely-low-income households. Presenters will discuss the new Live Local property tax exemptions and how they can help community-based nonprofits build affordable rental homes for targeted populations. Attendees will also learn how the Live Local Act's funding for SHIP and […]

Rental Assistance Demonstration 101

Join us for the first part of an engaging two-part webinar series that delves into the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program! RAD is a pivotal tool in the efforts to preserve and expand affordable housing in the state of Florida. This informative series will bring industry experts together to discuss its historical significance along with […]

WEBINAR: Land Use Tool for Affordable Housing in Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed-Use Districts

This webinar explores the Live Local Act's land use preemption for affordable housing in commercial, industrial, & mixed-use zones. The webinar features updates on implementing the preemption for jurisdictions and provides guidance to the frequently asked question: how are local governments to monitor affordability for at least 30 years for LLA preemption projects? Presenters discuss […]

WORKSHOP: SHIP Program Administration

LOCATION: Riviera Beach Mariana Village Event Center 190 E. 13th Street Rivera Beach, FL 33404 This workshop will provide guidance on the fundamental rules of the SHIP program, and will assist SHIP administrators with five years or less of SHIP experience with the implementation of their programs. The training will provide a SHIP program overview, […]

WEBINAR: The Development Process ( New Developers Training Track)

This is designed for nonprofit developers, housing program administrators, and their community partners. The presenters will address land use, impact fees, permitting, platting and more. Key topics include financing, site selection, and how housing is made affordable. Presenters will also cover funding applications and awards, credit underwriting, the initial closing process, the construction period, and […]

WEBINAR: Permanent Supportive Housing Development

Permanent Supportive Housing is an essential component of the affordable housing stock.  This type of development prioritizes persons most vulnerable in our communities, with the lowest incomes and highest service needs.  This webinar will discuss the concept of affordable housing, how to analyze unmet housing needs to prevent occupancy challenges, developing partnerships with community-based service […]

Rental Assistance Demonstration 201

Join us for the second part of an engaging two-part webinar series that delves into the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program! RAD is a pivotal tool in the efforts to preserve and expand affordable housing in the state of Florida. This informative series will bring industry experts together to discuss its historical significance along with […]

WEBINAR: Seniors And Housing Security (Conference Reschedule)

Join us on November 20th as we present Seniors Housing And Security! This webinar, rescheduled from the 2023 Affordable Housing Conference will explore Florida's elder population, including the frail elderly, are increasingly housing insecure as seniors with limited incomes are increasingly priced out of the rental market. In this session, representatives from AARP and Leading […]

WEBINAR: LHAP Design Part 1

This webinar will assist local government staff in the preparation and implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) as required by SHIP. It focuses on using and improving on the LHAP in the three years between when the plan is formally updated.  Learn how to write a LHAP that is clear, concise and complies […]

WEBINAR: LHAP Design Part 2

This webinar will provide examples of the nuts and bolts of the plan update.  This is an important training, considering that many SHIP communities must submit new LHAPs in 2023.  Key topics to be addressed include properly defining terms of assistance and designing housing strategies that work in a changing market.  Presenters will discuss not-so-common […]

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