View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description.
REGISTER This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It is designed for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. The training will cover the process from application intake through approval, file management and compliance. The presenter will address critical eligibility activities, including […]
REGISTER Determining which rule takes precedence over another is important to understand when monitoring blended projects. This webinar offers guidance on monitoring projects that have multiple funding sources such as SHIP, HOME and tax credit financing. It will address which project rules apply when there are multiple funding sources and considerations when reviewing rents, utility […]
REGISTER Written agreements (interlocal, sub recipient, owner, contractor, sponsor, developer, etc.) serve as the legally binding contract between two parties. The terms, conditions, affordability period, roles, responsibilities and enforcement mechanism and conditions for repayment must be included in the agreement for it to be enforceable. In the event of non-compliance, the agreement serves to protect […]
REGISTER Learn what SHIP requires when building or repairing rental housing. Ongoing monitoring of assisted rental units is the main SHIP responsibility addressed in this webinar. Learn about what is involved, since SHIP commitment is significant—annual monitoring for a minimum of 15 years for all SHIP-assisted rental housing. The presenters will discuss rental developments—including those […]
REGISTER This workshop addresses the fundamentals of implementing the LHAP as required by SHIP. The training is strongly recommended for staff with LHAPs due in 2019. It focuses on requirements for completing the plan and assessing what improvements will benefit a local government’s housing strategies. The guidance from this workshop will help SHIP administrators adjust, […]
REGISTER Several SHIP communities outsource implementation of one or more of their strategies. Learn what types of groups may serve as sponsors and sub recipients and hear firsthand from the staff of groups that provide SHIP services. The presenters will highlight key examples of how SHIP work is effectively outsourced, addressing details of LHAP selection […]
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