• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR- Shared Equity and Community Land Trusts

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition will be hosting a webinar on “Shared Equity and Community Land Trusts,” on August 2 at 2pm. The webinar will provide an introduction to shared equity programs, including the community land trust model, and how incorporating shared equity provisions into SHIP strategies can effectively expand and preserve the affordable housing stock in […]

WEBINAR- Working with the New Annual Report System

REGISTER HERE- Aug 13 Florida Housing’s reporting system is now live.  This August webinar will provide guidance as you create your SHIP annual report.  Presenters will share answers to frequently asked questions along with lessons learned from the reports of specific SHIP jurisdictions.  Report preparation topics will be discussed, including tracking of expenses, demographics and […]

32nd Annual Statewide Affordable Housing Conference

REGISTER The Florida Housing Coalition’s Annual Conference attracts more than 800 affordable housing advocates, lenders, developers, administrators and policy makers. The Annual Conference offers trainings from the nuts and bolts of housing to cutting edge training and an opportunity to learn from a broad range of experts. Join us as newcomers and affordable housing veterans […]

TRAINING- BASIC Integrated Disbursement Management System Training- Winter Park

REGISTER Basic IDIS Workshop This two-day interactive workshop will provide new users with an introduction to the key functions of IDIS. We will review the eCon Planning Suite module including the Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan and CAPER. Users will also learn how to properly set-up, fund and complete CDBG & HOME activities. The workshop […]

WEBINAR- Accessory Dwelling Units Providing Affordable Housing

REGISTER In a state dominated by single-family units, many people struggle to find suitable living arrangements. This webinar offers information about an affordable housing approach supported by the Florida Legislature that few local jurisdictions are implementing.  An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a residential unit that is secondary to the primary residence of the homeowner and can […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program- Part 1

REGISTER A majority of SHIP funds must be expended for homeownership activities, and homebuyer assistance is one of the most common strategies employed by local governments to meet the homeownership set aside requirements. This training is for SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners interested in developing, implementing, and managing a successful purchase […]

WEBINAR- Managing a Successful Purchase Assistance Program- Part 2

REGISTER Partnerships are key to a successful homebuyer program. The presenters will offer guidance on how to create long-term partnerships with developers, lenders, title companies and Realtors. The benefits of working with housing counseling agencies will be discussed as part of a review of common topics included in a pre-purchase educational curriculum. Learn what factors […]

WORKSHOP- Proficiency in Income Qualification (Pompano Beach)

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them.  As one of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical tasks to determine eligibility, including income verification, determining household size, […]

WORKSHOP- The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process

REGISTER The rehabilitation process requires housing administrators and their staff work with homeowners, contractors, building inspectors, local officials, and funders. Understanding each of these groups and learning to work with them helps to avoid some of the problems that are commonly encountered in rehabilitation programs. This workshop will walk through the steps involved in the […]

SYMPOSIUM- CLT Lending Symposium

REGISTER The Florida Community Land Trust Institute presents Community Land Trust Lending, a symposium produced by the Florida Housing Coalition and sponsored by Fannie Mae. Community Land Trusts are expanding access to homeownership for low income home buyers across Florida. Families who were formerly unable to purchase a home are now able to do so via […]

WEBINAR- Income Certification for SHIP Applicants- Part 1

REGISTER This is the beginning of a two-part webinar series that provides an overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It is designed for those who conduct intake and process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. The first session covers the process of proper advertising based on the SHIP […]

WEBINAR- Income Certification for SHIP Applicants- Part 2

REGISTER The final part of this two-part webinar series will focus on asset verification and calculation. It will address how assets are calculated depending on the type of asset received and how to properly document the file. Presenters will review the income certification form for both homeownership and rental, the case approval process, and file […]

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