View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description.
REGISTER This webinar provides guidance on new strategies and amendments and the considerations of what should be included when updating or changing the LHAP. Learn about new LHAP requirements and hear details about the latest plan updates and amendments that Florida Housing’s review committee has accepted…or sent back for more work. Review the essential sections […]
REGISTER This workshop is an introduction to federal and state affordable housing funding sources, including the State Housing Initiative Housing Partnership (SHIP), State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), HUD Continuum of Care (CoC), and Low-Income […]
REGISTER Florida Housing Finance Corporation issues requests for applications (RFAs) to provide funding for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. These RFAs which are generally for nonprofit applicants only are often undersubscribed. Similar to the webinar on this topic for local governments, this webinar is designed with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program […]
REGISTER This webinar is designed for nonprofits seeking to do development or expand their housing mission. It focuses on professional development for nonprofit board members, executive leadership to improve nonprofit operational capacity for affordable housing development. During this webinar, presenters will discuss areas of organizational self-assessment to focus on while considering adding or expanding affordable […]
REGISTER Very low-income households create challenges when applying for assistance as homebuyers. Many have no credit, poor credit, are cash poor and lack the knowledge needed to understand the homeownership process. The training will address leveraging and layering resources to make the purchase affordable, and how to partner with non-profit organizations—including Habitat for Humanity—to serve […]
REGISTER This workshop is a continuation of the webinar Building Capacity to Build: The Nonprofit as Affordable Housing Developer. Over the course of this workshop, participants will complete an organizational self-assessment with guidance from the presenters, to determine their capacity for adding or expanding new lines of affordable housing business. The audience for this workshop […]
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