• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER HERE This webinar series that provides an overview of the income qualification process for SHIP applicants. It covers the process of proper advertising based on the SHIP rule and statute and your LHAP, establishing a waiting list, the application intake process, setting priorities based on your LHAP, and determining household members to establish household […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb. 5

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb 12

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Comprehensive Overview of SAIL

REGISTER HERE The State Apartment Incentive Loan Program, created by the State of Florida, has been a national model for providing gap financing for affordable apartments since it was created over 30 years ago.  This training will explain how the program works in conjunction with bonds and other funding and within the framework of developing […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb. 19

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- Feb 26

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 5

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 12

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 19

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Changes to the SHIP Annual Report

REGISTER HERE HB 1339 will require SHIP Administrators to include additional information on the SHIP annual report and institute new tracking of applications.  This training will provide guidance on the new requirements and best practices for tracking required annual report data.

Survive and Thrive as a Nonprofit

REGISTER HERE Designed to help nonprofits build organizational capacity, which in turn supports resource development. This training will help those interested in building nonprofit organizational capacity and resiliency, such as nonprofit CEOs or executive directors, senior staff, board members, funders, and local government staff working with nonprofits. Presenters will help participants identify factors that can […]

WEBINAR- FHC Hurricane Member Update- March 26

REGISTER In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources.

Don’t forget: you can subscribe to our calendar and have access to the complete listing of Coalition events from the convenience of your personal Outlook, Google, or other calendar software. Click “Subscribe to Calendar” button to stay informed.