• 1311 N. Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR – The Rehabilitation/Emergency Repair Process Part 2

This is the final session of a two-part webinar series that introduces the rehabilitation process. The presenters will address weaknesses in rehabilitation programs and best practices to improve your program. The webinar will focus on contractor selection and removal, scope of work, the bidding process, contract terms and award, inspections, and payments, guarantees and warranties, […]

WEBINAR – HOME Funding for Affordable Housing (Part 1)

This webinar will speak to the effective use of HOME-ARP funds to support long-term solutions for decreasing homelessness and for providing housing stability to qualifying populations.  This special allocation, resulting from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), provides communities with a one-time opportunity to champion innovative affordable housing efforts.  Learn how to use your HOME-ARP […]

WEBINAR – Affordable Housing Law

This training is designed for county and municipal attorneys and affordable housing program staff. It will offer housing-related updates and introduce basic principles of Florida affordable housing law and answer frequently asked questions regarding the state’s affordable housing programs. Florida has a variety of state-specific statutes that govern affordable housing policy. Presenters will address Florida […]

WEBINAR – HOME Funding for Affordable Housing (Part 2)

This webinar offers training on using HOME funding for homeownership projects. It will feature home purchase projects from several Florida communities. In addition, it will introduce HOP, a down payment assistance program funded in part by federal HOME dollars. The Homeownership Opportunity Pool is a unique and valuable resource offered by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. […]

WEBINAR – Successful Homeownership Initiatives

This training will provide examples of homeownership development and purchase assistance strategies from across Florida. It is part of the Models for Affordable Housing webinar series that focuses on Florida communities implementing affordable housing best practices. The presenters will discuss how SHIP local government housing staff and their community partners can work together in developing, […]

WEBINAR – Mixed-Income Rental Housing

This training will focus on rental housing that includes for households in the 80 to 120% AMI range. It is part of the Models for Affordable Housing webinar series that focuses on Florida communities implementing affordable housing best practices related to a variety of approaches. Presenters will provide Florida examples of mixed-income rental housing, discuss […]

WEBINAR – Overcoming NIMBY Opposition

Opposition to rental developments, even with the extreme need for rental housing is getting worse. Even senior housing faces NIMBY opposition. This makes it harder to use SHIP and SAIL funding. Jaimie Ross, nationally recognized expert in avoiding and overcoming NIMBYism is presenting and will include affordable rental practitioners. This webinar will be for developers, […]

WEBINAR- Overcoming NIMBY Opposition

Florida has a substantial deficit of affordable rental housing.  We can’t afford Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) opposition to derail the production of affordable rental homes. Today, even senior housing faces NIMBY opposition.  Jaimie Ross, nationally recognized expert in avoiding and overcoming NIMBYism is presenting and will include affordable rental practitioners to share their experiences. […]

WEBINAR- Hurricane Member Update- Oct. 28

In this weekly webinar, we will keep you informed on disaster recovery, response and funding activities. We feature special guests covering housing recovery topics including local housing representatives, volunteers, temporary housing, innovative housing methods and more. Learn how you can help to advocate for state and federal resources. REGISTER HERE

WEBINAR- Using Publicly Owned Lands for Affordable Housing

This webinar provides guidance on how the public sector, including school boards and Community Redevelopment Agencies, can use its land for affordable housing purposes. Publicly owned land is one of the most important tools a local government must address the affordable housing crisis. Some local governments have enormous numbers of properties in their inventory available […]

WEBINAR- Hurricane Ian SHIP Response

Please join us for the “Hurricane Ian SHIP Response” webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, November 2 from 10:00 to 11:30 am.  This webinar on SHIP disaster housing recovery will feature two distinct types of training.  First, learn about the deductible assistance program funded with SHIP-DR in Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Hardee, Lee, and Sarasota Counties. Presenters will […]

WORKSHOP- The Credit Underwriting Process for Affordable Housing

This workshop is designed to introduce the underwriting process that takes place after a funding award has been approved. The invitation to credit underwriting is a vital first step to prepare for before applying for financing. It is a complex and critical part of financial agreements that will govern the short- and long-term process of […]

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