• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301


Driving Change by empowering Communities

The heart of housing transformation is where vision meets action. At the Florida Housing Coalition, we drive innovation and progress in affordable housing by empowering communities with education, resources, and actionable strategies. Through collaborative partnerships, data-driven solutions, and expert implementation, we work hand in hand with local governments, nonprofits, developers, and communities to turn vision into reality.

Implementing housing strategies is a complex mission, often easier said than done. We help communities rise to the challenge. Our comprehensive and adaptive approach recognizes each community’s unique housing ecosystem. We invite you to learn more about our approach to housing innovation and follow our journey with a community dedicated to elevating housing and economic opportunities.

Our Approach to Housing innovation


Our Strategy for Growth and Innovation
Central to our mission is our Strategic Plan, a comprehensive blueprint for housing transformation in Florida. This strategic roadmap outlines our key priorities, goals, and initiatives aimed at increasing the housing supply, promoting affordability, and fostering inclusive communities.
Read Our 5-Year Strategic Plan


Creating a Stronger Collective Impact
We understand that no single organization can solve the housing crisis alone. That's why we foster collaborate partnerships with local governments, nonprofits, developers, and other stakeholders across the state. By working together, we leverage collective expertise and resources to implement innovative housing strategies that make a real difference in people's lives.
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Home Matters: Informed Decision Making
Informed decision-making is key to effective housing strategies. That's why we prioritize data-driven solutions, utilizing research, analysis and best practices to inform our work. Our annual Home Matters report harnesses the power of data, identifying trends, assessing needs and helping to develop targeted interventions that address the root causes of housing challenges.
Visit the Home Matters Dashboard


Experience You Can Trust
With deep expertise across all areas of housing innovation, our technical advisors have the knowledge to assist local governments and nonprofits implement innovative solutions to meet your community's unique needs.
See Our Work
Case Study

Marion County: Long Term Partnerships for Permanent Affordability

Through our collective efforts, we’re making a tangible impact on housing affordability and stability across Florida. From expanding access to affordable housing to promoting equitable development practices, each initiative we undertake brings us one step closer to our vision of a housing-secure Florida for all.

Marion County has been a transformative journey—one fueled by dedication, collaboration, and a shared commitment to fostering thriving communities. Since our partnership commenced in 2017, we’ve embarked on a mission to redefine what housing means for the residents of Marion County. With a vision that extends far beyond mere shelter, we’ve set out to create a landscape where every individual has the opportunity to flourish, to build roots, and to call Marion County home.

Today, as we stand on the cusp of a new chapter, we reflect on the progress we’ve made and the challenges that lie ahead. Our journey is far from over, but with each passing year, we inch closer to our shared vision—a Marion County where housing is not just a basic necessity but a cornerstone of opportunity and prosperity for all.

Explore our partnership: key milestones


Home Matters for Marion County

A Journey Begins

We kickstarted our journey with the release of the Home Matters Report, a comprehensive analysis laying the foundation for actionable strategies. This was followed by a pivotal Housing Summit, where stakeholders converged to shape the future of housing in Marion County.
Click Here


Continuum Of Care Streamlined

Helping Others Help Themselves

Under the leadership of Amanda Rosado, we spearheaded the reorganization of the Continuum of Care (CoC), streamlining processes and enhancing collaboration with stakeholders county-wide. This initiative paved the way for more efficient service delivery and resource allocation.
Click Here

2018 to Present

Mercy Village

Mercy Village Thrives

Mercy Village stands as a testament to both Marion County and the Florida Housing Coalition's ongoing commitment. This supportive housing development, initiated through our Predevelopment Loan Program, is poised to provide 59 units of permanent housing for individuals and households experiencing homelessness. In partnership with Saving Mercy and Carrfour Supportive Housing, we're turning dreams of stability into reality.
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Establishing a Community Land Trust

Preserving Affordability

Embracing innovative solutions, our guidance helped Marion County establish a Community Land Trust (CLT) certified for homeownership. Thanks to organizations like Habitat for Humanity Marion County, affordable housing options are expanding, ensuring that families can plant roots in a community they can call home.
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Workforce Housing Action Plan
With the launch of the Workforce Housing Action Plan, we took a proactive stance in addressing the evolving needs of our community. This strategic blueprint outlines actionable steps to bridge the gap between income and housing affordability, fostering economic resilience for all residents.
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Comprehensive Growth Plan

A Roadmap for Growth

Guided by our comprehensive Growth Plan, Marion County is charting a course towards sustainable development. This roadmap, meticulously crafted with input from diverse voices, ensures that growth is not only strategic but also inclusive, preserving the fabric of our neighborhoods.
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Looking To The Future

New Partnerships, Sustainable Affordability

Our collaboration with the Housing Finance Authority of Marion County marks yet another milestone. Together, we're laying the groundwork for a Community Land Trust dedicated to rental housing development. This initiative represents a bold step forward in our mission to ensure that every individual has access to safe and affordable housing options.
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Join Us in Driving Change

Ready to be part of the solution? 

Join us in our mission to implement housing strategies that transform communities and improve lives. Together, we can build a future where every Floridian has access to safe, affordable housing and the opportunity to thrive.