• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301

Dayna Lazarus

Technical Advisor

DAYNA LAZARUS, AICP, is a Technical Advisor for the Florida Housing Coalition. She has over a decade of experience in community organizing and a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from USF. At USF, she won several professional and academic fellowships and scholarships and earned graduate certificates in Sustainable Transportation and Community Development. She produced a thesis on achieving transportation equity through the urban planning process. Soon after, she had the opportunity to build on her thesis work and co-produce a first-of-its-kind Nondiscrimination and Equity Plan for a Florida TPO.

She designed an innovative public engagement approach to oversample underserved communities, an approach that has been highly regarded by national equity-planning experts. She believes in centering those who are most impacted by policy decisions in decision-making processes and has dedicated her career to pushing for social equity through housing affordability, transportation equity, and climate resiliency.

Connect With Me

Email: lazarus@flhousing.org

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dayna-lazarus-planner/