• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301

Ryan McKinless

Policy Analyst

RYAN MCKINLESS is a Policy Analyst with the Florida Housing Coalition. Prior to starting with the Florida Housing Coalition, Ryan served in multiple capacities for over six years with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, Florida’s state housing finance agency. During his tenure at the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, he worked in both Multifamily Development and Policy & Special Programs. As Policy Coordinator with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, Ryan utilized his years of experience in overseeing day-to-day multifamily development finance processes to develop and achieve strategic housing policy initiatives for the organization, such as developing credit underwriting process improvements and implementing rehabilitation standards for affordable housing developments requesting funding through the non-competitive application process.

For the Coalition, Ryan provides training and technical assistance to assist stakeholders with interpreting and implementing state and federal affordable housing programs. In addition to providing training and technical assistance, Ryan actively conducts research and analyses on public policies related to affordable housing. His specialized research areas of interest include land use, affordable housing preservation, affordable housing development, and housing policy best practices being utilized throughout the country. Ryan holds a master’s degree in public administration from Florida State University.

Connect With Me

Email: mckinless@flhousing.org

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-mckinless/