• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WORKSHOP – Local Government Strategies to Address Homelessness (Workshop Series 2) Jacksonville

Jacksonville - REGISTER HERE Ending homelessness takes partnership, funding, and collaboration from many different community partners. Continuums of Care cannot do this work alone. Local governments cannot do this work alone. Go beyond the recipient/subrecipient relationship and learn how strategic partnerships improve the work you’re doing. This workshop will take a look at how communities are […]

WEBINAR – Rapid ReHousing: Webinar 3- Support Services

REGISTER  Rapid ReHousing is a housing intervention designed to quickly exit households out of homelessness and into permanent housing. The intervention is comprised of three main components: (1) Housing Identification, (2) Leasing and Financial Assistance, and (3) Support Services. Webinar 3 in a 3-part series, this webinar will emphasize how to maximize support services in […]

WEBINAR – Case Management Curriculum: Webinar 4 – Introduction to Working with Special Populations

REGISTER Case management has many roles and definitions throughout social service organizations. In this series, we look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness. Providing case management to households experiencing homelessness can be challenging given the varied and unique nature of each household. While other social service organizations may work […]

WEBINAR – Housing Counseling Series, Part 2: Successfully Implementing Counseling Assistance

REGISTER The final part of this series will address how HUD approved counseling agencies may provide your SHIP eligible applicants with post-purchase education, foreclosure prevention classes, and one-on-one counseling.  The presenters will discuss the process of selecting and contracting with a counseling agency.  The training will also address the HUD Counseling Notice of Funding Availability […]

WORKSHOP – Enhancing Nonprofit Capacity for Providing Affordable Housing Assistance (Jacksonville)

REGISTER (Jacksonville) This workshop is designed for those interested in building their nonprofit organizational capacity and sustainability, including executive directors, senior staff, board members, and local government staff working with nonprofits. The presenters will explore several facets of nonprofit capacity, including resources, organizational structure, programmatic, and networking capacity. The training will help participants identify what […]

WEBINAR – Case Management Curriculum: Webinar 5 – A Trauma-Informed Approach

REGISTER Case management has many roles and definitions throughout social service organizations. In this series, we look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness. This webinar provides an introduction to providing trauma-informed care. People experiencing homelessness are not only currently experiencing trauma, they often have significant histories of trauma. Any […]

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