• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301



View training events from the Florida Housing Coalition below. You can also view previous events, which will contain the event recording, presentation, and handouts (if available) in the event description. 

WEBINAR – Submitting a Successful Application for Florida Housing’s RFA

REGISTER In recent years, Florida Housing Finance Corporation has issued requests for applications (RFAs) to provide tax credits for developments with a homeless or special needs focus. However, these RFAs have been undersubscribed. This webinar, designed with input from Florida Housing’s multi-family program staff, will focus on these and other RFAs that receive relatively few […]

WEBINAR – Permanent Supportive Housing Series: Webinar 3 – PSH Support Services

REGISTER Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a cost-effective housing intervention that provides long term affordable housing and support services for a household. Support services are critical to the success of PSH. Support services are rarely one size fits all and should be tailored to the individual household’s needs. Learn how to provide support services that […]

WORKSHOP: Proficiency in Income Qualification

REGISTER This is an intensive workshop on the details of income compliance designed specifically for those who process applications for SHIP assistance and the people who supervise them. One of the trainings that is most requested by SHIP staff, this course introduces numerous critical eligibility activities, including income verification, determining household size, and calculation of […]

WEBINAR- Pre- and Post-Disaster Recovery with SHIP

REGISTER Florida must be prepared for hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes and more. Every hurricane season has the potential to be a destructive one—this is incentive enough to plan for disaster. This webinar will include presenters who will detail new construction and rehabilitation features that strengthen a home against damage from futures disasters. Participants will learn […]

WEBINAR- SHIP Rent Limits Policy

REGISTER Using SHIP for rental housing has always come with several rules and requirements. Some have recently changed. Learn about the Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s most recent guidance on SHIP rental assistance, which exempts rent/utility deposit assistance from compliance with the SHIP rent limits. Other SHIP-related rental assistance and development will also be addressed. Eviction […]

WEBINAR- Incentives to Encourage the Private Sector to Build Affordable Housing in the Community

REGISTER Affordable housing development creates many private sector benefits. Among other things, it attracts businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates the local economy. Affordable housing development is also profitable to private developers. This webinar will explore the many incentives and benefits that affordable housing development brings to the private sector.

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