• 1131 N Paul Russell Road, B-201 | Tallahassee, FL 32301
rajibraj July 18, 2024

New Credit Underwriting Resource Center

The Florida Housing Coalition is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Credit Underwriting Resources, specifically designed to empower local nonprofits and affordable housing developers. 

These comprehensive resources include a detailed Credit Underwriting Guidebook and an engaging eight-part video series. Developed in partnership with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC), these tools are tailored to help our members navigate the intricacies of the credit underwriting process, ensuring the success of affordable housing projects across Florida.

Why Credit Underwriting Matters

Credit underwriting is a critical component of the affordable housing development process. It involves evaluating the risk of financing a specific borrower for a specific project. Credit underwriters, or Servicers, are specialized firms with financial analysts who meticulously assess borrowers and their proposed projects before any loans, tax credits, or grants are awarded. This process ensures that only feasible and ready-to-proceed projects receive funding, thereby mitigating risks and promoting successful outcomes.

About the Credit Underwriting Guidebook

Our guidebook is a comprehensive resource designed to demystify the credit underwriting process for nonprofit and newer affordable housing developers. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll find inside:

  1. Understanding the Basics: The guidebook starts with an introduction to credit underwriting in affordable housing, explaining its importance and the role it plays in the development process.
  2. Detailed Guidelines: It provides step-by-step guidelines to help you navigate through the credit underwriting process, from the initial application to the loan closing.
  3. Risk Management: Emphasis is placed on sound credit underwriting procedures as a necessary form of risk management, crucial for evaluating the feasibility of affordable housing developments.
  4. Compliance and Standards: The guide outlines the standards for compliance with local, state, and federal housing finance programs, ensuring that your projects align with the necessary regulations and advance local housing objectives.

Engaging Companion Video Series

To complement the guidebook, we have developed an eight-part video series that dives deeper into various aspects of credit underwriting. Here’s what you can expect from the series:

  1. What is Credit Underwriting in Affordable Housing?
  2. Why is Credit Underwriting Important?
  3. Common Terms and Concepts in Credit Underwriting
  4. The Role of Lenders in the Credit Underwriting Process
  5. Intersections with the Live Local Act
  6. Credit Underwriting Guidelines for Local Governments
  7. Steps of the Credit Underwriting Process
  8. Tips for Working with the Credit Underwriter

These videos are designed to be both informative and engaging, providing you with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the credit underwriting process successfully.

Special Thanks

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, whose partnership has been instrumental in the creation of these resources. Their support and collaboration have enabled us to develop tools that will significantly benefit our members and the broader affordable housing community.

Get Started Today

We invite all our members to explore these new resources and leverage them to enhance your affordable housing projects. The Credit Underwriting Guidebook and video series are available now on our website. Dive in, educate yourself, and ensure your projects are set up for success from the very beginning.

Join the Conversation

Have questions or need further assistance? Our team at the Florida Housing Coalition is here to help. Join our forums, participate in our workshops, and engage with fellow members to share insights and experiences.

Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities through well-planned and executed affordable housing developments. Let’s make the most of these new resources and continue to innovate and lead in the affordable housing sector.

Stay tuned for more updates and resources from the Florida Housing Coalition. We are committed to supporting your journey towards creating sustainable and affordable housing for all.